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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


My nephews say that I should place ads, adverts, or advertisments on my blog so that, in their words, "some good may come of it." Well, given the Name of the Blog ( do I hear an Eco of some other writer?) I don't think that would be a good idea. Oh, I know organized religion does everything but grab the worshippers by the heels, turn them upside down, and collect the currency that falls from their pockets. I just don't think I have enough familiarity with you-know-who to go about collecting money in His name. In the first place, there's this business of tithing. Well, who gets the tithe? If I give it back to myself, is it really tithing? In the second, what the the advertisers don't like what I write? Do I treat them as if they were Midianites? Finally, in my own household we are considering seriously letting the Cable TV umbilical cord be disconnected. There are way too many commercials. I have been with people who have spent 2 hours looking at TV, during which there was about 1.2 hours of programming and 1.6 hours of complaining about the commercials. It has gotten so bad that I now only schedule TV watching of commercials that are superb. I watch Chrysler's Dr.Z at 6,6:20,6:45, and 8:00. Then there's the cellular telephone commercials that present various objects construed as the strength of signal display - 5 boats on a river, 5 combines in a field, etc. - which I TiVo. Am seriously considering making a TV Guide-type thing for commercials since they are the wave of the future.

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