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Monday, October 12, 2009


Justin Bieber

America's approach to Pedophilia:

Family takes pictures in the tub; Wal-Mart calls cops; kids taken away for a month; lives turned ujpside down.

Ready for the rest?

This morning, some ephebe named Justin Bieber is singing and bouncing on The Today Show.
The camera catches a coy little crotch grab.
Isn't that cute.
Shall we have Wal-Mart calls the cops on the entire nation now?

Pedophilia is only wrong when it's private.
When it's public, we have added the safeguards that it must be a commercial venture, such as selling records, and it is O.K.
Justin is a bit older, maybe 15. Perhaps then it's O.K.? Why is it acceptable for a 15 year old to grab his crotch on national TV?
I might be completely nuts, but I seem to think a crotch grab is an invitation, not a warning; an enticement, not an admonition; and it is such to ALL who see it!

Boys and girls, Justin and Jon Benet...we go to crazy extremes...because we know we cannot control ourselves and our desires and our lusts. It's hard to spot our duplicity, but now and then it pops right into our faces...
We use accusations of sex with underage children to condemn, then we kick back and admire underage children in sensuous poses...
and give them money...
and give them adulation...
and act like Humbert Humbert panting after his Lolitas of all genders.

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