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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Unity Of Belief

I repeat something previous: ---------- Reading Black Ship To Hell by Brigid Brophy, I read: "...Herein lies the secret of religion's intolerance. It is simply dramatic intolerance, which cannot afford to have a scoffer in the house but must sweep us all along in a communal act of imagination. Religion, however, has so enlarged the theatrical conventions that they encompass the whole of reality; it takes the universe for its auditorium...the religionnist knows that his god is diminshed by anyone's unbelief." Ms. Brophy led us to this by a discussion of James M. Barrie's play Peter Pan, wherein if even one child in the audience fails to clap their hands, Tinker Bell will die. ---------- Let my church be filled with unbelievers. Our God is no play-acting. Dissent and show free will. It is not an invocation of the imagination. It is the basis of our consciousness of all that is best within mankind. God is not television, not a play, not a film. God is not step 1, followed by step 2, followed by step3 - nor Act I followed by Act II. God is not finding one's spot on stage. God is not metaphor.


Reading the Signs said...

Is you a theology perfesser?

Someone (I think it was a poet) once said to me that Jesus was the first atheist.

Montag said...

Paradox and Irony are the soul of religion, for what are they but a constant attempt to rouse us from our swinish slumbers?

There...didn't even spell a wurd rong.