Мост будущего,
неуклюжий формы вещей!
Bridge of the future,
gawky shape of things!
Um Ali , 53 years old, a mother of six and street vendor who sells vegetables, said this about Sunday's death and destruction: "What can we do? This is our destiny."Um Ali means "mother of Ali". This is Baghdad, where 17 bombs went off Sunday. Britain's forces finished departing the country. Soon we shall be gone, too.
This led to a full-throated defense of capitalism, a blast at high taxes and the redistribution of wealth, a denunciation of affirmative action, prolonged hymns to the greatness and wonder of the United States, and accusations of hypocrisy toward students and faculty who reviled business and capital even as they fed off the capital that the hard work and ingenuity of businessmen had made possible.http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/converting-mamet_561048.html?nopager=1
...In related news, there were three child abduction attempts from nearby villages, one of which had witnessed the abduction of another child a few months ago. Some residents claimed the children were "to be presented as an offering to remove the pharaonic sentinel guarding an archaeological treasure," in accordance with some beliefs.--
Members of the Egyptian Shia community and several people claiming descent from the family of the Prophet Mohamed staged a protest on Tuesday before the Saudi embassy in Cairo, protesting against the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the funding of Salafi groups.
They claim Saudi Arabia is financing the Salafis in order to incite sectarian strife and disrupt Egyptian national unity.
A number of Coptic Christians joined the protests and raised banners condemning Saudi Arabia for hosting the deposed Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and interfering in Egypt’s internal affairs.
“This is the second time since the revolution that we have staged protests to warn against the Wahabi influence,” said leading Shia figure Mohamed al-Dariny. “The government should put Saudi Arabia and those Salafis under the microscope.”
Osama bin Laden wanted Al Qaeda to attack US rail transportation on the 9/11 anniversary, according to intelligence taken from his compound. A 'no-ride list' for Amtrak is being considered.
On Sunday night, as he traveled from Washington to New York, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says Amtrak brought sniffer dogs on the train at every stop.
Not surprisingly, Mr. LaHood says he felt safe...
...Considering bin Laden’s interest in rail – including bombings in Europe – some legislators are wondering if Amtrak should emulate airlines with a “no ride list,” that duplicates the “no fly list.” Unlike air travelers, rail passengers do not have to go through electronic scanning machines or have their luggage checked. And most Amtrak trains don’t have armed marshals aboard as some flights to.
“We’re going to look at all these security matters,” Mr. LaHood said at a press conference on Monday in New York. “We’re going to look at everything and then we’ll make a judgment with our friends in Congress and decide what direction we should go.”
This year, as part of the budget cutting process, Congress cut $50 million from a $300 million grant program that was supposed to be used to beef up rail security. In 2010, that grant program provided Boston with $21.9 million, New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority $75 million, and Chicago $10.3 million...
...New data just out from Zillow, the real-estate information company, show house prices are falling at their fastest rate since the Lehman collapse.
Average home prices are down 8% from a year ago, 3% over the quarter, and are falling at about 1% every month, according to Zillow.
And the percentage of homeowners in negative-equity positions — with a home worth less than its mortgage — has rocketed to 28%, a new crisis high.Zillow now predicts prices will fall about 8% this year and says it no longer expects the market to bottom before 2012..
As a member of the Trust Bank lending division, Katagiri had fought his way through many a battle. He had weathered sixteen years of daily combat since the day he graduated from the university and joined the bank‟s staff. He was, in a word, a collection officer-- a post that won him little popularity. Everyone in his division preferred to make loans, especially at the time of the bubble. They had so much money in those days that almost any likely piece of collateral--be it land or stock--was enough to convince loan officers to give away whatever they were asked for, the bigger the loan the better their reputations in the company. Some loans, though, never made it back to the bank: They got “stuck to the bottom of the pan.” It was Katagiri‟s job to take care of those. And when the bubble burst, the work piled on. First stock prices fell, and then land values...Sounds rather familiar. Asset bubbles. And you have read about Japan's Lost Decade, ten years of economy in the doldrums, and you wonder if that's what's in store for the rest of the world?
THE open wound that is Tibetan resentment of Chinese rule refuses to heal. According to accounts seeping out of China, it has been bleeding profusely for some six weeks now at Kirti, a Tibetan monastery in Sichuan province. Kirti is in Aba prefecture, which Tibetans regard as Amdo, a part of historic Tibet. Two Tibetans in their sixties are reported to have died after being beaten by security forces on April 21st. Their deaths came as the monastery was raided and more than 300 of its nearly 2,500 monks were detained for purposes of “legal education”.First, by using this quote, I have just deep-sixed my blog in China. Actually, I've mentioned this before, so I have been exiled to those cold, western lands which Du Fu - or Li Po - wrote about... well beyond the Great Wall. Ah, well...
The confrontation started with the death of a young monk, Rigzin Phuntsog, variously described as 16 and 20 years old, who set himself on fire on March 16th. His self-immolation was to mark the third anniversary of bloody anti-Chinese riots in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa. The 2008 riots were followed by a harsh crackdown on dissent across what China calls its “Tibet Autonomous Region” as well as in ethnic-Tibetan areas of adjoining provinces, including Sichuan and Qinghai.
...the continuing deflation of the Sarah Palin phenomenon inside the GOP. Maybe we could bring all these elements together in a grand harmonic convergence with a new retort to Palin’s dwindling defenders: “The Navy Seals are elitist too.”http://www.frumforum.com/worst-week-ever-for-birthers--
'Abid A worshipper [of God]. A term generally used for a devout person. The word frequently occurs in the Qur'an: e.g., Surah ii, 132 {sic} "The baptism (sibghah) of God! And who is better than God at baptizing? We are worshippers ('abidun) of God!"Hughes, A Dictionary of Islam.
The word sibghah is translated by Professor Palmer "dye"and "dyeing", but Sale, following the Muslim commentators, Al-Baizawi, Jalalu 'd-din, and Husaini, who say it refers to the Christian rite, translates it "baptism".
Others say that it means fitrah or din, the religion of God, with an adaptation to which mankind are created. See Lane's Lexicon [BAPTISM].
It was our misfortune and Osama bin Laden’s good luck that Washington’s dreams were not those of a global policeman intent on bringing a criminal operation to justice, but of an imperial power whose leaders wanted to lock the oil heartlands of the planet into a Pax Americana for decades to come. So if you’re writing bin Laden's obituary right now, describe him as a wizard who used the 9/11 attacks to magnify his meager powers many times over...
As is now obvious, bin Laden’s greatest wizardry was performed on us, not on the Arab world, where the movements he spawned from Yemen to North Africa have proven remarkably peripheral and unimportant. He helped open us up to all the nightmares we could visit upon ourselves (and others) -- from torture and the creation of an offshore archipelago of injustice to the locking down of our own American world, where we were to cower in terror, while lashing out militarily.The second paragraph describes our CIA-created Gulag Archipelago. It is an emblem. If you choose to be proud of it, so be it. If not, fine.