Consciousness is the set of behaviors we commonly associate with it: language, music, structured movement, mathematics, etc.
Whatever is not associated with one or more of the set of conscious behaviors is has no "mouth" to speak to us under normal circumstances.

The Unconscious is not some special and scarey place; it is not in its very essence mysterious: it merely has no behaviors associated with it that make us aware; it has no "language" that we may speak of its contents.
The Unconscious is the dark side of the Moon - it is the same as the sun side of the Moon, but it lacks the "language" and "imagery" and "music" of the Sun to let it exist in the light and, hence, be visible.
Usually, we consider the Holy to be unconscious; certainly we chatter on about it all the time, but we may as well talk about our own fate - for it is unknown to us...yet.
The unconscious is the source of Saints & Sinners, the seat of that which compels us to the greatest good or the greatest evil...these lay hidden in the inarticulate unconscious until we force them into consciousness, like a saintly Mother Teresa, or a damnable Hitler.
The religious geniuses of this world had one common goal: to establish a way to make that which was unconscious to be conscious, and - in particular - to make that which we call the Good to be conscious.
Good and Evil paradoxically bubble up from the unconscious on their own, bursting forth into the world, but it was the design of the great holy ones that we should create a "language" or a "signing" of the Good that lay in the unconscious, that we might be transformed.
We shall not destroy evil by thinking positively, nor by imaging success.
Suffering will not be banished from the world by the preachings of money-hungry preachers.
There will be death and destruction. God's miracles are miracles precisely because they are so rare.
It is our job to learn the language of the Good, not to pretend to destroy Evil.
We have to talk the talk and walk the walk at all times.
In essence, we have to do that which is most difficult: to rely on God solely...and this we cannot do, for it has been established as a cultural icon of the holy fool: let God pay your debts! do you think the angels will bring home the bacon? the world of business is separate from the world of God!
It is not, and we shall continue to pay the price of our blindness: as long as there exists any religious leaders who lay claim to your money - in the same sense that you lay claim to it, a daisy-chain of need & desire - there is no religion. Religion has failed modern mankind. It has failed us even more than we have failed ourselves.
We have to communicate with the incommunicable;
we have to hear the unheard and inaudible;
we have to see that which is invisible.
If you consider seeing the invisible a paradox, you are right. Unless we confront the Paradox of our life, we will continue to be enslaved to the Irony of our life: the great swings from absolute hegemony and potency to abysmal defeat and despair.
Wonderful piece. We may not agree in semantics, but in essence I think we do. I only object to "God as Other" - not that you intend that.
Thanks for expressing what is so hard to express. I want to come back to it.
I'm posting about rhetoric tomorrow myself. Nothing like this; a poem.
Most people don't "believe" in the Invisible. If you can't count it, weigh it, measure it, trap it, eat it, sell it: it doesn't exist. The dark side of the moon is made of green cheese and it's a great album by Pink Floyd.
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I agree with Baysage...paradox.
His faith in the two parties now has crumbled into dust...irony.
I guess my question to myself now is whether paradox and irony are in a sense "visible"...or are they merely "seen" by their works and outcomes.
We need new answers, not the same old ones, time is getting short...
Oh, and that is my obligatory Mech comment I have to pass through as part of our armistice..."funny sum of 500 bucks"!
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