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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Living In Mogambo Time

As previously mentioned, I subscribed to a WebBlog title service which supplies titles for my posts.

I have to fill in the blanks, as it were, by doing what I am doing at this very moment: writing.
Thus, when such wonderful bits of fancy such as the above are delivered by the postman, I no longer cringe, having overcome their most fanciful efforts in the past, but welcome the challenge.

Hence, we wonder whether you are familiar with the Mogambo Guru who inhabits the Asia Times. I may very well use him as and adjunct to the news service: I would merely append his words to a title and I have a collage of ready-mades of the literary type. We provide his take on the world sitch ("situation") and the banking crisis. Remember that I am not fond of banks. I consider the major problem with modern day capitalism to be the overwhelmingly prevalent illusion that capitalists may be trusted. This has been proven wrong again and again.

 Mogambo Guru:  
"...Now, pick up that remote control and hit the "fast-forward" button from 1776 to the last half of the 20th century, where we see that we have finally overruled the Jeffersonian republic that made America into the world power that it became, in favor of that Hamiltonian nightmare of a huge, powerful, dictatorial, fascist federal government, an eviscerated Constitution and a corrupt Federal Reserve destroying the dollar. Mr DiLorenzo sneers at me that I am being much too narrow, and says that we now have ' a republic of excessive public debt; inflationary finance fueled by a central bank that is the cause of perpetual boom-and-bust cycles; a dictatorial executive branch aided and abetted by 'black-robed deities' who have 'reinterpreted' the Constitution so much that the founders would not even recognize what is called 'constitutional law'; a tax burden that is even more excessive than that borne by medieval serfs; a standing army that is misused at the expense of genuine defense of America; an arrogant, imperialistic, and monopolistic government in Washington that rarely pays any attention at all to the citizens of the once-sovereign states; [a] government policy that routinely benefits big, politically-connected businesses and wealthy individuals at the expense of the rest of society (neo-mercantilism); and protectionism.' "


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