Cover of the Russian Monopoly with Jesus Game,
where Jesus looks like a homeless person.
see: http://www.ship-of-fools.com/gadgets/toys_pets_games/218.html
Some captains of capitalism are still not at all happy with the Social Security system. Perhaps we should have let George W. Bush privatize it after all.
It smacks of Socialism, which it actually is, being derived from schools of thought more properly described as "socialist" rather than "capitalist".
And Medicare, and Medicaid...and children's health coverage. Nasty Socialism.
Except...the only thing that now and in the future that will prevent bodies of the old and dead accumulating in the streets is going to be Social Security and Medicare.
The only thing that will still allow the majority of the elderly access to any health care will be Medicare.
The only thing that will prevent a drastic decline in average age expectation is Social Security. (In Russia after 1991, the average age declined almost 10 years per male individual.)
Before we cringed at the sight of those nasty homeless people sleeping on the streets, good for nothing but holding squeegees.
Capitalist Christianity taught us that blessed are they who move those homeless bums out of town.
Now our Capitalist Christian god ..."dog" spelled backwards...will increase their numbers, and deprive them of care and nutrition, and their corpses will turn our Main Streets into rivers of the dead.
It is something to look forward to.
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