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Sunday, September 06, 2009

'inda Hanaan

Chez Hanaan. Hanaan's Place. Davy Jones' Diner. The TYBALTs were gathered, digesting food and the daily news. Across the room was a group of ROMEOs - retired old men eating out.

We TYBALTs had been formed in active opposition - the young bucks at lunch together. There was a great deal of ruminant behavior in the place, the only noise being that of the digestive processes. I found myself wishing for another group, the MERCUTIOs, and set myself to the task of acronymy.
There had been laughs before lunch at the Anne Coulter toilet paper someone had put in the washrooms. Now silence reigned. Beauchamp said that there were global demonstrations against Hugo Chavez. Most of us got our gas at Hugo's gas station, it being the least expensive. We were not receptive to the idea. "Where?"
" Everywhere. It's global, dimwit. For instance, there's about 150 people in Madrid."
We laughed.
"150 !? Is that all the CIA can muster in Spain?"

After the USA got rights to military bases in Colombia, right wingers looked to reverse the leftward achievements of the past decade. This recently took the form of a military coup in Honduras. A typical rightwing step forward...or backward. It doesn't really matter to rightwingers. Henry Jakubowski spoke, "I guess they'll have places in the jungle to sneak the guys they kidnap to." Hank didn't let on whether he approved or disapproved. He is becoming inscrutable. It used to be that if you compared Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino - Walt Kowalski - to Hank, Kowalski was totally charming. Now things were becoming muddled.


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