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Monday, July 23, 2007

Dr. C's Blog

Dr. C from Maryland has a good posting named The Rot at the Center for July 22, 2007. An excerpt being a portion of a discussion between Jim Lehrer and David Brooks: "... so they're going to have their civil war, so let's let them have it..." Maybe if we learn to take responsibility for what we do, we will not do such horrors as Iraq in the future. We have never learned to accept responsibility for the atrocities we commit. We only own up to misdemeanors. And don't mention My Lai or Haditha. For every Haditha there are 20 more hidden atrocities. Atrocity is part of the nature of war. Only America of 2002 and 2003 could be so phenomenally stupid as to believe that war was a cakewalk, a picnic, a day at the beach.

1 comment:

Dr. C said...

Thanks for your comment. It really is pretty sad. BTW, Krugman has an interesting commentary in NYT (subscription but you can read it here

). Good luck.
Dr. C.