Monday, October 29, 2007
Lies My President Told Me
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Road To Iran 2
To quote Fareed Zakaria in Newsweek:
Stalin, Mao And … Ahmadinejad?
Conservatives have become surprisingly charitable about two of history's greatest mass murderers. Oct 29, 2007 Issue
"Here is the reality. Iran has an economy the size of Finland's and an annual defense budget of around $4.8 billion. It has not invaded a country since the late 18th century. The United States has a GDP that is 68 times larger and defense expenditures that are 110 times greater. Israel and every Arab country (except Syria and Iraq) are quietly or actively allied against Iran. And yet we are to believe that Tehran is about to overturn the international system and replace it with an Islamo-fascist order? What planet are we on?"
... "We're on a path to irreversible confrontation with a country we know almost nothing about. The United States government has had no diplomats in Iran for almost 30 years. American officials have barely met with any senior Iranian politicians or officials. We have no contact with the country's vibrant civil society. Iran is a black hole to us—just as Iraq had become in 2003."
and finally
"Last year, the Princeton scholar, Bernard Lewis, a close adviser to Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, wrote an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal predicting that on Aug. 22, 2006, President Ahmadinejad was going to end the world. The date, he explained, "is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the Prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back. This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world" (my emphasis). This would all be funny if it weren't so dangerous."
More wit and comedy from the Bush White House. Seriously, if indeed we are the wealthiest and the most powerful nation in the history of mankind, is this really the best we can do? George W. Bush? Richard Cheney? And President Amedinejad was really, really - literally - going to end the world?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Comments: A Christmas Carol
Well, I do not know why. I've checked everything, even sending myself test comments, filled with unstinting praise- merely as an exercise to be sure- and everything seems to work. Odd. Maybe people assume that comments are not accepted because I take my own sweet time taking a gander at them and allowing them publication. This is very possible. They are so few and far between that the mere mention that there is a comment waiting upon me in the sitting room, top hat in his hand, puts me in a tizzy. I slowly descend the main staircase and peek through the carved balustrades, quite like a child on Christmas morning early. Then silently I continue my descent.
Standing outside the sitting room door, I practice harrumphing and saying things like "bushwah!" I recall comments from the past:
"How much shall we put you down for this year, Mr. Montag?"
"Harrrumph! How much? How much, indeed! Are the workhouses not open? And the it not in force?"
... and so on.
Really. I mean, how presumptious can you be? I actually received an e-mail from an entity yclept The Frog Dwarf who took me to task for my opposition to gambling. And my reply that shall be a posting soon to open at your local PC. Of course, given Blogic, that subsequent posting will actually precede this one in the reading area and nothing will make any sense at all...a situation which has been asserted by past commentors to be the case most of the time. Send them to the Commentors Treadmill and get some work out of 'em!
A Wall Of Silence
There are some photos of the walls built in Baghdad to separate neighborhoods. The ones at show the Sunni Dora being separated from surrounding Shi'a areas. One must go to the site in order to be able to see the enlarged images in which the walls are quite clearly seen. The violence has decreased by separating the warring peoples. Of course, this is hardly a political solution, rather a Mural Solution...or extra-mural...or trans-mural...or cis-mural ( our side) and trans-mural (their side). I am sure Ms. Rice can come up with some brainy description. What happens when the walls go away? There is also comment of the Great New Age of Wall Tech: walls in Baghdad, walls in Israel, walls along the borders, walls between Saudi Arabia and Iraq...the new walled community of the 21st C. I find it hard to believe that the USA p'd and moaned about the Berlin Wall for so long. Then, within 20 years of its downfall, the technology loudly touted by the US government is walling areas off from others. (There is a sense of destiny, however. In my youth, I had received the nickname "Walls". My friends were "Door", and "Lintel", among others. There was "Joist" and there was "Sanitary Hook-up"...all quite inscrutable.)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rappers' Delight
To The Soldiers Returning Home
I'm the MC that rocks tha world. I’m the V.P. that shuts you down. I’m tha V.I.P. in home and in town! Somebody's gotta die Faluuuuu-ja! If I got, you gotta go. Somebody's gotta die Faluuuuu-ja! Let the gunshots blow. Somebody's gotta die and somebody's gotta lie; Nobody gotta know That I killed yo ass in the mist, kid
What Would The American Empire Look Like?
It would grow the way the US grew. In this process, the inhabitants of the USA will see similarities to their glorious past and thus conclude that the imperial present and the 1,000 future of the American Empire will be particularly blessed by God.
There will be interludes resembling the American Wars of Indian Extermination. There will be comical sketches based on a humbug understanding of new science that will resemble the Eugenics schemes of the early 2oth century. Please recall that the earliest scheme for a travelling extermination chamber to kill undesirables was in the USA, not Nazi Germany.
There will be the insidious belief in our own rectitude and alliance with the will of God, a bit of hybris we like to do 3 times before breakfast and which will lead the USA to a spiritual vacuum where the only thing they believe in is the perverted creations of their own puny intellects, rather like the schemes of Pastor John Haggee of San Antonio. Pastor Haggee is merely the precursor of the deception.
No empire is exactly like another. Many foolishly believe America will follow Rome,...or Byzantium. No empires exactly parallel each other. We are facing a serious loss of sense of Community. We prat and chatter about being a Christian country, yet we hold all men to be islands, complete unto themselves. Our commitment to the welfare of the community is vestigial. This commitment is what Christianity is about. This commitment is what Islam is about. This commitment is what Judeaism is about.
How can Community survive in the midst of Wars based on deception, whose very being is a scandal and whose support requires a cycnicism beyond anything we had hitherto dreamed of? A War for Oil...and everyone stands in foolish crowds and moans: what of the soldiers who died? did they die for naught? How do you make evil right? By what machinations will you pervert the perversion? The soldiers say: tell them at home we fought and died here, according to their command. Our command. Our responsibility. Our evil. When the sense of being a community dies, the community itself has died, and what is left is the hulk of Imperium and Compulsion and Power and Force.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Jihad And Revolution
The Night Of Long Memories
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Peace Fasting And Poetry
Give Democracy A Chance!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Why I Do Not Believe, Rather I Expect
Philosophers Read Cal Thomas
Now the article is embraced by a picture of Ann Coulter on the right side. She is looking alluringly sluttish as is usual. She is a regular Right-Wing incubus...or succubus...or Wraith. Quite the picture. Amazing, isn't it, that the Bush-type conservatives ( i.e., interventionism, the heck with fiscal responsibility in government, etc.) discovered that Truth may be subliminally associated with almost bared breasts.
There is a photo of another young girls chest, suitably covered with a T-shirt with some slogan that passes for witty. Beneath that, there is another young girl in some sort of office milieu wearing extrememly short shorts. The camera is at floor level and aimed upwards. Since the article itself is about God and whether the Christian God is the same as the Muslim God...( I have not gotten to the punch line yet.)...there is also a picture of Palestinian women demonstrating for Palestinian unity. They are dressed conservatively Muslim and do not seem to be saying anything about Allah, at least according to the description under the photo. More subliminal stuff: Christian God is frat boy, Allah is kill joy ? It really is worth a look.
Here's the url:
Anyway, Cal Thomas starts:
"Whatever else his critics say of him, no one can fault President Bush for failing to go the extra mile in his efforts to show that neither he, nor the United States, is opposed to the Islamic faith, or to Muslim nations."
Yeah. Right. Right on, Cal. He differentiates between the "Gods" of the two religions:
"God calls himself "I Am" and says He is one, but with three personalities. Muslims believe God's name is Allah and reject the Trinity."
THREE personalities!!?? As if the Christian God were Sybil!?
"The president can be commended for sincerely reaching out to Muslims, but he should not be commended for watering down his beliefs and the doctrines of his professed faith in order to do so. That's universalism. There are "churches" that believe in universalism, his Methodist church does not. No Christian who believes the Bible believes in universalism. And No Muslim who believes the Koran does either. President Bush is wrong - dangerously wrong - in proclaiming that all religions worship the same God."
Here we have the observation that "watering down beliefs"= "universalism", and churches that believe in universalism must be churches that need to be spelled with quote marks= "churches". He depicts the admirable cognitive states existing is modern day Christians and Muslims as if (1) he were exhaustively familiar with them, and (2) these benighted souls were the paradigms of belief. A true buffoon is Mr. Thomas. Fit reading for any philosopher. Actually, he is quite fit and proper for the modern age of Neoconservatism.
Monday, October 08, 2007
The Road To War With Iran
Vampire Economics 2
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Does Sarah Silverman Suck Lemons?
When I was young, saying something "sucked" was not merely an abstract concept for "not up to snuff, mediocre" and the like. The article was in AlterNet and I forgot to get a link for you, so you are on your own. Ohh, wait. the link is below:
Does Sarah Silverman Suck?
By Kera Bolonik,
TheNation.comPosted on October 6, 2007,
Printed on October 6, 2007
"Is she or isn't she funny? Is she genuinely mean, or is she making a commentary about American ignorance? Any confusion I had over these questions was cleared up by her monologue at MTV's Video Music Awards, during which she unrelentingly reamed Britney Spears's God-awful performance and referred to Spears's two little boys as "the most adorable mistakes."
There is no Britney Spears. That's what Sarah is pointing out to us had we but the intellect to understand. There is actually one blonde girl who drinks a lot and does drugs and she is hired on to "play" Britney, Lindsey, and Paris. Impossible? Please note that never but never have these 3 been in the news as a main attraction at the very same time!!!! Paris goes to jail...Paris gets out...not a peep from the other 2. Then, when Paris is below the horizon, Lindsey kicks ass. Lindsey becomes yesterday's news and Britney goes to jail. They have never shared the main spotlight.
"If comedy means pissing people off and loving that about oneself, appearing more self-entitled than self-aware and spearheading an even more discomforting subgenre of comedy -- then Mazel Tov, dahlink! "
Actually, that is what comedy is.
The fact that people are offended and hurt deals more with what the people are than what Sarah is. If you are offended by being photographed drunk driving, then you have a number of options available to yourself. Take them.
Lily Tomlin once said something to the effect that the more cycnical she became, she always was less cycnical than warranted by society's foibles. Sarah Silverman is not only funny, she is quite stunning, appearance-wise. I think she is rather beautiful, but I also think Ms. Spears is rather commonplace. I am at odds with the rest of you.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Peace Fasting and Poem October 5, 2007
Ann Coulter Talks, But...
Mr. Bush vetoed the SCHIP bill because it was fiscally irresponsible!!!??? Who is kidding whom, Mr. Bush?
We refer to an earlier post here, relying on the site Jewschool: Mr. Bush, we may have eaten this particular plate full of offal from your White House kitchen 6 years ago, but not now. The rest of your term will be interesting, estranged even from your own party on important issues. Very interesting. note: William Kristol of The Weekly Standard , one of the great intellects behind the Iraq Crime, thought the veto was good for a laugh and proceeded to joke about it on national television. I guess the viewing public gets what it deserves. Since Mr. Kristol was influential in starting a long term war that will cost trillions based on disinformation and distortion and laughs at a pittance for children's health care, we offer a jolly paraphrase:Billy Kristol:
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The SCHIP is broken on the rack, the prize we sought is won;
The Great Wonders Of The American Empire (3): Deputy Assistant Undersecretary Debra Cagan
It is unusual for one of the wonders of the civilized world to be a human being, but some entities are so strange and the stories so compelling that the usual methods of selection must be held in abeyance and our overwhelming sense of awe and amazement just lead us to give the treasured place on the list of wonders to a human being...but not just a mere human being. As far as I can tell, all this is true and the pictures were not taken at a fun house. Ladies and Gentlemen, we present the seventh wonder of the world: Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates.

Daily Mail I hate all Iranians, US aide tells MPs
"Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America's stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush's senior women officials: "I hate all Iranians." " "The MPs say that at one point she said: "In any case, I hate all Iranians. Although it was an aside, it was not out of keeping with her general demeanour. "
The picture above was taken at a gathering covered by several blog reports:

We met...this crazy woman in a leatherette tunic, she gave us her business card, and was drinking heavily and dancing like a dervish. She tried to befriend us, but as she is obviously insane, and SCARIER IN PERSON THAN IN PHOTOS, we kind of slipped away. We thought from her rambling discussion that she was an arms dealer, she had just returned from what sounded like a sex junket to our fighting boys in Iraq. She was telling us how sexy the front line guys were, and the whole live for today ethos that prevails in the Green Zone. A truly, truly mad woman, and now Gates’ right hand man (she really looks like a bondage dude). and "...could the Republican party be a bigger freak show ...?"
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Desmond Tutu Among The Vultures
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
The Second Visit To The Empress
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: The Next Chapter
Clarence Thomas has published his memoirs. If any doubted that Mr. Thomas floats on an even keel, doubt on, for he decidedly does NOT. Mr. Clarence Thomas is a man who inhabits a fantasy realm - a hyperreality - he has cunningly created. I may remember public figures who spoke at length about their indebtedness to the influences of many heroic figures, real and fictional, but I can only think of a few that see themselves as fictional heroes writ large upon the stage of history. Fictional heroes, by definition, are greater than life. The are immortal symbols. And here Clarence Thomas sees himself fitting into the realms eternal by his Iconic Participation with figures of Black Literature: Tom Robinson of To Kill a Mockingbird and Bigger Thomas of Native Son. Please recall that when Justice Scalia was asked to distinguish between his conssrvative philosophy of jurisprudence and that of Clarence Thomas, Justice Scalia ended his remarks by saying that his philosophy was very conservative, but he (Justice Scalia) was not " a nut". What Justive Scalia meant to imply by this is up to the reader.
Clarence Thomas intends to be the biggest domestic problem for the next 20 years. It will be a long row to hoe, and a heavy chiffereau to heft. Plans should be made accordingly. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those "I told you so" things.