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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Does Sarah Silverman Suck Lemons?

I saw the headline just as it is above, only I added the word "lemons" since they had obviously forgotten it.

When I was young, saying something "sucked" was not merely an abstract concept for "not up to snuff, mediocre" and the like. The article was in AlterNet and I forgot to get a link for you, so you are on your own. Ohh, wait. the link is below:  
Does Sarah Silverman Suck?
By Kera Bolonik,
TheNation.comPosted on October 6, 2007,
Printed on October 6, 2007  

"Is she or isn't she funny? Is she genuinely mean, or is she making a commentary about American ignorance? Any confusion I had over these questions was cleared up by her monologue at MTV's Video Music Awards, during which she unrelentingly reamed Britney Spears's God-awful performance and referred to Spears's two little boys as "the most adorable mistakes."

There is no Britney Spears. That's what Sarah is pointing out to us had we but the intellect to understand. There is actually one blonde girl who drinks a lot and does drugs and she is hired on to "play" Britney, Lindsey, and Paris. Impossible? Please note that never but never have these 3 been in the news as a main attraction at the very same time!!!! Paris goes to jail...Paris gets out...not a peep from the other 2. Then, when Paris is below the horizon, Lindsey kicks ass. Lindsey becomes yesterday's news and Britney goes to jail. They have never shared the main spotlight.  

"If comedy means pissing people off and loving that about oneself, appearing more self-entitled than self-aware and spearheading an even more discomforting subgenre of comedy -- then Mazel Tov, dahlink! "

Actually, that is what comedy is.
The fact that people are offended and hurt deals more with what the people are than what Sarah is. If you are offended by being photographed drunk driving, then you have a number of options available to yourself. Take them.

Lily Tomlin once said something to the effect that the more cycnical she became, she always was less cycnical than warranted by society's foibles. Sarah Silverman is not only funny, she is quite stunning, appearance-wise. I think she is rather beautiful, but I also think Ms. Spears is rather commonplace. I am at odds with the rest of you.


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