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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Comments: A Christmas Carol

I have received information that comments...1 or 2...are not being accepted.

Well, I do not know why. I've checked everything, even sending myself test comments, filled with unstinting praise- merely as an exercise to be sure- and everything seems to work. Odd. Maybe people assume that comments are not accepted because I take my own sweet time taking a gander at them and allowing them publication. This is very possible. They are so few and far between that the mere mention that there is a comment waiting upon me in the sitting room, top hat in his hand, puts me in a tizzy. I slowly descend the main staircase and peek through the carved balustrades, quite like a child on Christmas morning early. Then silently I continue my descent.

Standing outside the sitting room door, I practice harrumphing and saying things like "bushwah!" I recall comments from the past:
"How much shall we put you down for this year, Mr. Montag?"
"Harrrumph! How much? How much, indeed! Are the workhouses not open? And the it not in force?"
... and so on.

Really. I mean, how presumptious can you be? I actually received an e-mail from an entity yclept The Frog Dwarf who took me to task for my opposition to gambling. And my reply that shall be a posting soon to open at your local PC. Of course, given Blogic, that subsequent posting will actually precede this one in the reading area and nothing will make any sense at all...a situation which has been asserted by past commentors to be the case most of the time. Send them to the Commentors Treadmill and get some work out of 'em!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both BA and Iberia from been losing hard cash during the downturn as businesses