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Friday, October 05, 2007


Mr. Bush vetoed the SCHIP bill because it was fiscally irresponsible!!!??? Who is kidding whom, Mr. Bush?

We refer to an earlier post here, relying on the site Jewschool: Mr. Bush, we may have eaten this particular plate full of offal from your White House kitchen 6 years ago, but not now. The rest of your term will be interesting, estranged even from your own party on important issues. Very interesting. note: William Kristol of The Weekly Standard , one of the great intellects behind the Iraq Crime, thought the veto was good for a laugh and proceeded to joke about it on national television. I guess the viewing public gets what it deserves. Since Mr. Kristol was influential in starting a long term war that will cost trillions based on disinformation and distortion and laughs at a pittance for children's health care, we offer a jolly paraphrase:

Billy Kristol:

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The SCHIP is broken on the rack, the prize we sought is won;

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