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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Zombie Media

Post production work is almost finished on my new film, Cable TV Zombies, so look for it to open at a theater nearby. I shall not take a break and get right into my next one, sort of an thriller with an erotic undertone, El Laberinto Dos Sostenes. Cable TV Zombies, or CTZ as I shall hereafter call it, missed the primaries, but will be around in good time for the general election. At the risk of giving it all away, it is all about how a malfunctioning satellite, about the size of a bus, falls to Earth, scattering its radioactive material (!?) around a cemertery, thereby (as usual ) causing some of the more obnoxious inert types to rise from their graves. A crowd of these Zombies converge on major Media centers and take over the cable TV coverage of politics, with special focus on a network called Fuchs ( note: German for "fox" ) News and this gives us a chance to make numerous sophomoric puns on the network name by some of the sillier Zombs. There is the usual Sunday Morning Political Talk shows with Zombie hosts asking inane questions ( "What is you opinion of passing the Deficit on to our grandchildren...particularly since we will still be around?" -Surely not? Well, yes. We're Zombies after all...or more properly, Re-Animated Previously Used Life Forms. -I say, do you think they'll be pissed? Who...? -The grandkids...will they be pissed? Probably. Very probably....very irate. They'll probably piss on yer grave. -No! Well, it's good, then, that we no longer inhabit the loamy mess!") There are Zombie books about The Greatest Generation and Zombie books about How Great Is Ronald Reagan and Zombies get jobs as columnists for major newspapers. ("I wuz in the airport the other day and saw a book about Kipling. I ate a few pages, then did a Jeff Goldblum in The Fly, only more pompously. I asked the constant reader why Kipling ? Or, more succinctly, why do Democrats "kiple"...or not "kiple"...I ferget which.") A new Zombie jumps into the presidential race, speaks to the Zombie generation - a demographic that seems to encompass just about all the populace - and is elected president. We invade Iran on February 1, 2009. Zombies do not see things as infinite shades of grey, just black and white....or warms brains or cold. Shadings of meaning...cause Zombie...go insane, as if being insane is worse that the formaldehyde Dawn of the Dead that comes every day after a thermonookler exchange. (NOTE: ever cool Zombie Semiotic here! Think of Nuclear War, think of millions killed! Think of the life-giving sun ever afterwards in a pukey haze...think of the Sun floating in a jar of formaldehyde accompanied by a wrinkled raisin Earth, circling forever and waiting for the Medical Examiner of the gods to arrive.) I could not post a trailer, but I managed to get the Woman Newscaster from Fuchs News. Notice her hair is black. This was the Art Director's idea to differentiate Zombie Media ( black hair and crazed and lusting for eats ) from the usual Media (blond hair and accentuated bosoms and leering guys ). And her name is Ann.
"We will be covering the Election outcomes like flies on dead meat. Stay tuned.Speaking of dead meat, there's an accident working to clear at 24th and Lex. Many brains scattered..."

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