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Thursday, October 16, 2008

By The Way... case you did not know... Our failures are germane, brotherly and sisterly. They have their mother and father the same, as the loathsome multiple births that they are. Israel and Palestine was the first child of this new era. There will be no surcease of pain until the first sibling: Israel and Palestine, is weaned from drawing at the breast of Grendels Modor, the mother of Grendel, the supernatural source of our demonic fury. We must learn to weave peace, not discord, through the loom of days. (On the Day of Atonement, an old Arab man was driving his car through a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusdalem. Jewish teens attacked him; later Arab rioters stormed through the streets. It must stop. If we can not do this, we can not do anything. This is the first test, and we failed. We have failed every test since then up to the present day, and we are continuing our perfect grade of failures.)

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