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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

William Ayers

Republicans ( not Conservatives...I still hold Conservatives to be in the mold of Russell Kirk and Barry Goldwater, not Jerry Falwell and John Haggee.) hate William Ayers because he has the odor of the sixties radical about him. William Ayers is a reminder of the idealism that was the Boomers' true path and true goal: a greater and better and more equitable society; an idealism the Boomers' threw away in order to become fabulously wealthy by cheating and scamming ( as seen in their foremost representatives ) and to destroy this society, by bombs or by banks. William Ayers is an affront to the Boomers, for he is a constant reminder that they sold their souls. First some sold their souls to violence. Then the rest turned their backs on their idealism. We see what that loss of soul has wrought now in the desolation spread around us.

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