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Friday, January 01, 2016

How Would One Tweet This?

Ah, Twitter!
Who actually reads Twitter, other than media types looking for mulch?

Colors magazine
Issue #5
Eat The Street

"J'ai peur de me faire violer.
C'est quand un homme vous traine dans les buissons pur vous faire du mal."
une fille, 7 ans

("I fear being raped.
That is when a man takes you into the bush to do bad things."
7 year old girl)

Less than the 140 word limit...

That is what Amos Tutuola's book My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts
Aux Buissons...
De Fantômes...
is actually concerned with: the ever present Bush, les buissons sans fin, which stretch out far before us.

Even 140 years of life will not let me fully grasp my own fear and my own violation carpet as it is unrolled through time.
(A violation carpet is a knotted record of the bad things done to us.)

Our hopes and fears are a hike up the Himalayas, yet we have only the food of Tweets to see us through.


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