Friday, June 29, 2007
Here, Cymbalta! Sit, Zoloft!
Reasons To Not Invite The 20th Century To A Party 1

In Case You Missed It...
The Crackpot Jew Norman Finkelstein 4
In The Chronicle of Higher Education:
June 25, 2007
Students Will Begin Hunger Strike in Support of DePaul Professors Denied Tenure
We read in the comments such insights as: ( all errors are as they appear in the comments.)
"...He did not get tenure becasue he was NOT ACADEMICALLY QUALIFIED, not because of any other reasons. Let him get a job where he belongs, like in QUatar , Libya, or Saudi Arabia. Let him work in Iran, I am sure they will give him tenure there. He is not an academic who has had jpapers published, just his books on the Holocaust, in which he has PROFITED..." and "Well now that school is out, his childrens’ crusade has another love-in planned. Don’t any of them have summer jobs, or anything else to do? I suppose not. Let them eat their secreted Mars bars! Universities are not required to grant tenure to vicious, clownish bogus academics who peddle opinion as “study.” And these cheap pressure tactics by a group of brainwashed kids is pathetic." and "Finkelstein actually defines the syndrome of a self-hating and efffectively antisemitic Jew. It seems topsy turvy, but this kind of Freudian inversion is a classic psychosis. Children who know no better, have been influenced by his charismatic, rebellious mien. He deserves dismissal (let alone tenure) as as a pathetic manipulative and racist headcase and poor role model. Would you have an amoral freakish charlatan who peddles such violent sickness on his own personal webiste[sic: website] to teach your children right from wrong?If he’s your idea of a hero, then fill your boots. "
Ah, what buffoons we mortals be ! I particularly liked the last comment above, since it demonstrate such a profound psychological insight: the illusions of the 20th century psychology in the habit of Freud. There are way too many oddballs on the Internet who posture and preen themselves on their pseudo-knowledge of Freudian psychology. Another intriguing aspect is belittling taking a Moral Stand: do they not have summer jobs? Truly, a summer job at Pop Tate's Choklit Shoppe is superior to taking a ( snicker! ) moral stand.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Good Morning America
Although ABC seems to be very dogged about Political Correctness, they care little about their guests issuing calls for murder - fatuous fatwas, as it were.
Homefront Heroes
Violence 1

The Club Of Ariminium And Caesena: 4
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Eliminate The Income Tax, Hooray!
Ann Coulter's Interview In Samara
Try to keep your Appointment in Samara. Your friend, Julius Streicher, looks forward to seeing you again.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Interview With A Really, Really Bad Guy
Inquiring Minds Need To Know...
"Yeah. You're really quick on the uptake today", he sneered.
I replied that in his blog he purports to talk of non-divine things and never himself says anything about God. He allows his flunkies and commenting-minions to growl and snarl about God and how wonderful atheism is, but he himself says nothing.
So I say I'll talk about God and diverge into other things. He talks about other things and NEVER detours to the Holy. For me, God is not set apart in time (only on Sunday) or place (only in the Church).
I will talk about politics and the economy and without missing a beat will speak about the love of God. God does not embarass me. I'll talk about Him anytime. And I'll talk about Him the same way I talk about anything else. I do not withdraw into some arcane Bible-speak to talk about God. Anyway, my best friend makes fun of this blog. He says it's "blah...blah...blah...blah...The HOLY...blah...blah...blah..." It's good that I think I have a sense of humour.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I Miss IMUS 2
Peace Fasting 3rd Week
Friday, June 22, 2007

Peace Fast 3rd Week: I Am Not Gandhi

In The News
Concerning GM ( genetically modified ) products, all one had to do is refer back to Jeff Goldblum's character in Jurassic Park to realize that the Pandora Box cannot be held closed, even though a slew of government and business people have misrepresented the case.
When you have reached a point where comic book characters and characters in films are far more intelligent than real people, it's time to move to Virtual Reality land.
In OpEdNews, we see the scary world of nuclear material which could have been brought under control, but has not been:
You may find this writing a bit trying. I know I do. For years I have railed against the Bush Administration and his compliant Republican culprits in Congress. However, that does not mean I Like Lefty.
Most political activist writing is sophomoric.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Soldiers And Their Leaders
School Daze In Afghanistan
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A Necessary Evil
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Death On The Installment Plan
Born In Sin, Come On In
(1) I have mentioned my discussions - if you may call such painful wordplay "discussions"-with a young man of the evangelical frame of mind, and that he was surprised at what appeared to be my personal relationship with God. I think what he meant was that he was surprised that anyone could have a relationship with God...outside of his own evangelical belief system. I mean, how could anyone not evangelically aware have a relationship with God!? Everyone who does not sing "Jesus is my Savior!" is some poor, misguided, misbegotten shlub who desperately needs the true hoodia of Evangelical Christianity. Oh, well. They use Reason as a snare to entrap you. Then they quote Bible verses at you to make you feel inadequate. Then they put you on their trophy wall, along with the other beasts they've preyed upon. (2) I saw Tim LaHaye on the TV. He is the author of the "Left Behind" series. The Rapture is extra-scriptural nonsense of the most pernicious kind. It is another form of modern idolatry, similar to its tainted sister, Intelligent Design. When the Deceiver comes, he will deceive you by using enticements that are fair to your eyes, not some outlandish and novel things. The deceptions will be easy, for they will be based on things we are so very familiar with. How easy is it to deceive when you are using folksy and homey notions? It's pretty easy. We got into the Iraq War because we were thinking things like "Saddam is a really, really, really bad guy"...and bad guys should be given their comeuppance, right? The UN weapons inspectors said there were no weapons, but European types are stupid, right? And the little Iraqi people will dance like Muchkins welcoming a great and big Dorothy to their little OZ, and will put flowers on our guns...and we will give them all candy bars like there was no end to chocolate and almonds... I mean, do you really think we Americans are smart enough to see through the Deceiver when we cannot even see through the most bald-faced inanities uttered by mere men, and men of no particular wit, at that? (3) Asia Times A general in God's patriotic army wherein we read: Mike Evans is a shock jock for Armageddon, a cheerleader for the apocalypse. These days, the best-selling author and head of the Jerusalem Prayer Team", a US-based pro-Israel Christian evangelical organization, is at the top of his game. On June 3, his new book, The Final Move Beyond Iraq: The Final Solution While the World Sleeps, made it on to the New York Times best-sellers' list at No 1 in the paperback category. ... His prose is pugnacious, a style you might expect from a writer who claims that he is giving the US its "final wake-up call". In the book, and in its promotional materials, such terms as "appeasement", "secular humanist God-haters" and "pro-Islamic radical sympathizers" are tossed around as easily as if he were playing catch in the back yard. Your God is Compulsion and Force. Your God is Inquisition and Fear. I do not even know what those notions mean that you fling around like hash in the short-order grill of your mind. The author loves his end of time, his Armageddon, his time of Rapture. He loves the images of Death. His book is the theological equivalent of the films SAW or Hostel. Dispell the nightmares of Destruction and Decay! This should be a time of Rebirth and Life, not Death... ... NOT the Fulfillment of God's Plan by Death on the Installment Plan. Which is all Easy Credit...easy belief...maybe even free! What could be easier than to let yourselves go mad...and lose all restraint? Thus, you are under no obligations, no duties, other than to fight with the Beserker God, a god who makes no demands on you except that you indulge your frenetic actions fueled by an immortal and unlimited supply of epinephretic blood. These men are legion, and they are wolves.Hyperreality And The Common Man
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Fathers' Day 2007
Peace Fast 2nd Week
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Advance Token To Boardwalk
A good article on Economic Inequity in Inside Higher ED: The Perpetuation of Privilege By Walter M. Kimbrough
The Crackpot Jew Norman Finkelstein 3
Read about it in Inside Higher ED
There has been an ongoing battle between him and Professor Dershowitz for a while. It is a fight in the realm of Hyperreality. This is usually described as an attempt to discredit the Holocaust. It is also called an attempt to deny the Holocaust.
But, as written elsewhere here, my friend, Levine, der Engel, hit the nail on the head when he implied that the Holocaust means different things to different people.
Not such an earth shaking observation, is it?
Well, it is earth shaking when you realize that a good deal of effort is expended to make one believe that the Holocaust means ONE things for All people. The discussion is in Baudrillard's Hyperreality. And that's where just about everythings these days are. The reason why there is so much focus on the past: Flags of our Fathers, Discussions with our fathers- Tim Russert's dad, Larry King's dad - the list goes on, is that we are looking at WW II.
World War II was a time when things existed in reality. There was reality with a vengeance. One did not have the time to spin hyperrealities. The guys fighting in Iraq: they are in Reality with Teeth. But we are not. Our presidential beauty pageant is Hyperreality.
That's one reason we call it "hype". Everything is real...some things are more substantial than others. I find this Hyperreality - that of the Holocaust Ultimate Cage Fighters; i.e., those locked inside a cgae and fighting to the death - to be very interesting and we shall talk more about it. I find Prof. Dershowitz to be a most interesting individual.
Philosophy And HyperReality
I think one of the things about the Roman Catholic Church I found most displeasing was the tradition of Thomas Aquinas' philosophy and little else: a myopia in philosophy. I could never quite reconcile my vision of Jesus with the mediaeval obsession with philosophy applied to divine things. I always had a sneaking suspicion that if somehow Jacques Maritain could appear to Jesus in His own day, Jesus would think a new type of Pharisee had come for a visit.
Jean Beaudrillard passed on this year and he spoke of hyperreality. The realm of philosophy is similar to other realms of hyperreality. I have always been fascinated by the enclosures of fancy we create and then try to insulate them from contamination by an intrusive reality. I considered the run up to the War in Iraq just such a hyperreality. It was an excellent experiment to observe how such things are created.
We see today in Global Research
The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007 declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, George W. Bush can become what is best described as "a dictator": "The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government." This directive, completely unnoticed by the media, and given no scrutiny by Congress, literally gives the White House unprecedented dictatorial power over the government and the country, bypassing the US Congress and obliterating the separation of powers. The directive also placed the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic “security”. The full text is below. A critical analysis on the directive can be found here. This is another step towards official martial law (see “US government fans homeland security fears”), which suggests that a new "catastrophic event" 9/11-type pretext could be in the pipeline.It may be surprising that the most interesting thing I find in this is that it is another thread of End Of Time, or Approaching Disaster, or Armageddon Is Just Around The Corner; these are the hyperrealities which infest our minds.
There is a difference between a dispassionate appraisal of reality and a hyperreality, a virtual reality, if it please you, that exists in another dimension, whether it be in the individual mind, or the collective social awareness of a nation, or in cyberspace.
Since 9-11, we have been mostly dealing in states of hyperreality. We have chosen up sides and each side has striven to delineate the parameters of its own hyperreality. Then we scream back and forth. We scream because the taste and smell of the real is so intense, how could we see that hyperreality is not the same as reality?
Hyperreality is constructed of the same building blocks of Remembered and Historical Events with which we create the real. Thus, its smell must be the smell of reality. Its taste must be the taste of reality. Its remembered beauty must be the remembered beauty of reality. It is the Logic that has lost its sense of direction.
The Logic which compels the construction of Reality is no longer the hidden algorithm of many nodes, web-like wherein we balance like spiders in a filmy gauze suspended above the void. The Logic has become distorted and no longer an inborn song of creativity. It is an inflexible and rigid mechanism, unbending and without a sense of History - neither coming from the past nor going to the future, but merely a focus of a moment of present obsession.
The Themes of Disaster flows in and out of our lives: from Virginia Tech to Iraq to Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD). The Disaster Figure always wears a new face: Virginia Tech or John Muhammed or Saddam Hussein...or Iran...or the Religious Right or Islamic Fundamentalism. But the god of Disaster is always there in our minds and in our prayers...and in our hyperreality. When I have said the mind can be a prison, this is what I was referring to. Philosophy should not enslave, not incarcerate.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Iraq = Korea And We Have Another 60+ Year War; Huzzah!
Founder of the State of Constant War
Condoleeza's Boat
June 9, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
Peace Quickening, Peace Weaving, and Frith Faesten/ Peace Fast 1st Week
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Is Christ Your Savior ? : 2
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Is Christ Your Savior?
This person asked me first: are you a believer?
So I said yes.
This was not quite enough.
Perhaps he thought that I should go into a song-and-dance routine. So he then asked: is Jesus your Savior? And I refused to answer. I said: guess. I indicated it was none of his business. I do not make a habit of going about answering a battery of questions. I do not believe that the way to God is through discussion. Although I talk about God, I do not think my words are those of a teacher. Nor did I think my friend's were. I consider them to be a method of compulsion, whereby certain people barrage you with questions and quote scripture with such precision that they leave you feeling - and THIS is their actual intention - feeling insecure and inadequate. It is an abuse.
Paul writes, "For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying nor the matters about which they make confident assertions."
I told him the story I have told you: when I felt as if everything I ever knew about God had disappeared, there He was. Christ died to free me, thus I am free. I am particularly free of those who wish me to speak...Say something...Say whether Jesus is your Savior !!!!!!!!!!!!
I am free of their compulsion. I am free from the prison of words and fruitless discussion they wish to weave about Absolute Truth and the Idolatry of their imaginations.
I cannot run a scam and get on the right side of God. I cannot promise anything. I cannot promise to be good, especially in return for some benefit. Jesus died. I am free. That's all there is to it. If I do good works, I do not do them to honor God or try to get on God's good side or to be buddies with God or to be nice to God the Father. If I do good, it is my personal history showing how I have listened to God. I am lucky to have done something good. I have tried to listen to what He says, but what He says are no longer directives and order and the Law. Christ died.
The Law is gone by. I am free. I listen to God. Most everyone else listens to their own voices, their own memories of what they've been taught or had beaten into them, their own desires, their own lusts, their own fears and their own despair. Dig it.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
News From Iraq
Monday, June 04, 2007
The Club Of Ariminium (and Caesena) 2: Approach To Imperium
The excellent Secretary of Defense has stated that WE shall be in Iraq for a long time. He envisions something along the lines of Korea, North and South, where we kept troops in the South for more that 50 years. Nothing surprises me from this confederacy of dunces anymore. In Korea we had the Communist countries of North Korea, China, and the USSR.
In Iraq, we defeated the Iraqi army and face disparate groups of insurgents and militias and maybe 5,000 to 10,000 Al Qai'da irregulars. So why shall we stay there forever? I suppose that was the plan all along. The new US embassy built within the green zone is enormous. There were pictures on the Internet until they were removed. The security people thought that digital pictures of the swimming pools and tennis courts might be a security risk. You may read about it at TomDispatch The Mother Ship Lands in Iraq The Colossus of Baghdad
Sunday, June 03, 2007
As I Was Saying To Joan Didion...
Talking About Divinity 1
The only reason I wrote so much about politics is the present group in power. The future of our country will be played out as a battle between those who will lead by compulsion and those who will lead by attraction. The knifes are being sharpened as I write. Ah...society and politics has sneaked in again. Gotcha ! Now, a few words from our sponsor.
I met a fellow as I was involved in a part-time job. He was of a religious bent and talk naturally turned to divinity. He asked if I believed in God. I said yes, of course I did. Then he apparently decided this was not quite enough, so he asked if I had accepted Jesus as my savior. Trying to be as polite as possible, I indicated that I do not respond to such questions...usually.
Going back to the original query: ' are you a believer? ', I actually find this to be an odd question and more along the lines of something you would hear from the mentally challenged. Instead of answering yes, I should have patted him on the head and handed him a sweet. It is a mistake to think that an infinite number of questions deserves a response from me, for I shall not answer them. I really do not care whether you think I am this or that. Nor do I care whether our beliefs are the same, for I am not searching for a group or forum or political party of similarly-minded individuals to get together and use power over others. Ya-da ya-da ya-da...time drags on...lips move...ears ache...bladders do what bladders do when the mind is bored and desires to mediate upon the clepsydrical nature of a Bladder...
He said that he often thought of God's love as that of a father for his children...loving, yet firm...a metaphor for the entire universe, no doubt. So I told him that God is the big, ugly, scarey guy. My friend's eyes went wide with astonishment. God is the big, ugly, scarey guy that drags us to a desolate pinnacle and shows us the emptiness of the universe. Then, when we have been reduced to hopelessness, laughs loudly and slaps us on the back so hard we almost lose our balance ( and fall from yonder pinnacle ), saying He was just kidding... just like He did with Job. God the awe-inspiring and God the awful or filled with awe. There is the coming together and the running away.
What is the fear of God? What is the love of God? Fear is a state of being that God used for the preservation of man, causing a flight FROM an evil. Love is a state of being that God used for the preservation of man, causing a flight TOWARDS a good. Both fear and love are mindless fevers that fill the soul. Fly towards. Fly away from.
When my friend describes what he called a father's love, he was not describing love. He was describing responsibility, duty, filling a role. He was describing what the good soldier Schweik must do to live his life and be loved, honored, and respected. None of this applies to God.
To be Humble is to learn that God has no role to live up to; He is writing the rules and the roles as things seem to unfold to us. To have faith, then, is to be humble and trust. It is in no way asking a number of inane questions to a hapless individual. It is not to try to respond to the infinite number of things which may be asked as questions.
I told him that if he must ask questions, ask impossible things...ask the outrageous things. He clearly could not make head nor tail of this odd statement of mine. "There," I said. "That is what God is like. How does it feel? You look for a furtive certainty by asking questions and affirming your answers." I paused. "But God cannot be grasped so easily, He cannot be chased down a burrow and trapped by the jaws of your logic." I lost this friend...just as I lost all my other friends. (Sometimes I used to wonder: Freund oder Feind ...?)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Back From The Dead
In the midst of a hot, spring day, I felt the cold winds beat my back, hitting me between the shoulders with a fury of a glad handing salesman of Arctic goods. (ColdWare...or HotWare as we shall soon be calling it, thanks to Global Mobile Warming.)
Or are we merely Los Olvidados, feeling a bit Bunuel. Or will it be a madeleine of Chekov today. My eyes are slammed shut like Giorgio de Chirico's father's eyes...and the Greyhound buses and the on time trains creep past my recognition. I shall be 90 this year. I suppose I shall have to face reality now.