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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

News From Iraq

The young lady Layla Anwar ( a sobriquet if I ever heard one; 'night of lights' indeed. nickname will be day of darkness: Nahaar Qaatim....brrrrr! this is all to close to the bone and makes my skin crawl....) reports from Iraq: Oh and I forgot, over 200 men bearing the name of Omar have been killed by the Mahdi and Co criminals. Someone found a whole line of Omars lying next to a mosque, around 12 of them with a tag saying "My name is Omar and now am dead."Seems that the turn for the Bakrs has arrived. Cousin Amal and her only son Bakr have fled to Syria... You may read it all at Right about now, you are probably wondering what's all this fuss about Iraq. Well, I just want to experiment and see how long it takes a government run by idiots who are ruling over a society which has no greater interest than Panem et Circenses ( bread and circuses - or, better, Super Bowl LXV and HDTV and iPods and Paris Hilton) to commit a moral act.

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