Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Magic Wand
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A Clockwork Campaign
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ius Primae Noctis And Ius Primi Mane
As time wore on, and wear it does when you are talking about such things as ius primae noctis, a veritable high speed sander wearing down the highs and lows of the woodwork of real conversation, talk took a buffoonish turn. The interesting ius, if such a ius primum inter iures pares were to exist, would be the ius primi mane, or the right of the first morning. This is the right to wake up from a lordly drunken stupor the next morning ( and it has to be a drunken revelry the night before, else, whence the expression "drunk as a lord"? ) and be set immediately to sobriety's rights by looking over at the lady snoring next to him.
I do not believe there was a latin word for coyote, so we have gone quite far enough with this. I do not know why I think its funny to mix learning and bar jokes. Perhaps I fancy myself to be Catullus.
Playing Cards

Fulsom Chickens
The Supreme Court: Scalia
Friday, April 25, 2008
White Folks
Heroes Against Tyrrany
Thursday, April 24, 2008
From The Pulpit
I am ready to give some quaint advice to the parishioners: (I was meditating on this picture above and admired the irony of juxtaposing the store named "Foodland" and its empty parking lot of crumbling asphalt. When you get past its tawdry commonplace nature, its takes on a tragic note of a once great civilization brought low to dusky death.) Everything - every propensity, every action, every type of behavior - which has led us to the present state of affairs must be abandoned.
We cannot have an Earth that sustains life, if the living beings choose not to sustain Earth. Simply put in terms of the Consumerism Paradigm of our lives, the Wal-Mart system wherein goods of poor quality are produced in sweatshops to sell in the USA in order to undercut the inflationary pressures of a profligate way of life must be abandoned, now!
Every step of the way must be moral: from the extraction of resources to the manufacture to the shipment of goods to the point of sale and to the end use of goods, everything must follow a morality wherein all beings are not merely logical variables within an economic theory. The individual consumer must be an individual conscious and moral being and they must be distinct enough that they are themselves responsible morally for what they do. Thus, they must be aware of the moral dimensions which exist in the economy: the destruction of our jobs, the sweatshops abroad, the tainted goods... Everything.
This is not a ridiculous notion. People are vastly informed about things, some of little value, some of great value. The thing we should never forget is the present War: all the intelligence was there.......IF we had but chosen to spend 1/2 hour per day reading real news from real news sources and from impartial sources, we would not have allowed this atrocity. Those who deem themselves our masters do not wish us to pay attention to what they do, therefore they say that we should not bother because all the intelligence was wrong, anyway. They say we should look the other way and go shopping at the mall. Moral things are difficult and pipe dreams and impractical schemes only to those who love their immorality. This is the Economics of fully developed Individuals.
When moral individuals are in the market, the market cannot be explained solely in terms of market dynamics; there is an extra dimension which defies analysis. The so-called Individuals of classical economic thought are rather similar to George W. Bush. Here is a man who has the most prestigious and powerful job on Earth. Many of his fellow countrymen are in great economic stress. They are beset every day with bad news and rising prices. They don't really know what to expect.
What sign of sympathy comes from the President? None. He talks about matters that interest himself and I suppose some group of Republicans somewhere, but when he speaks, he evinces no interest in our well being, merely a desire to justify himself. He shows no deep desire that we thrive, just a desire that he may escape from office before the house of cards falls down. He is a perfect example of a thwarted human being, scarce half made up. Economic man of classical economic theory is scarcely one-quarter made up.
The men and women of the future - if there is to be a future- must retrieve the other half of the lives of conscious beings made in the image of God: the moral dimension. Which Morality, you ask? There are so many. Which is the one which is right? God made conscious beings in His image. Therefore, the Morality which is God's is that which liberates mankind...for God is free and He is not constrained.
The Morality of God is not a well-manicured lawn with strictly regulated gardens of flowers; it is a glorious carpet of millions of different prairie flowers growing from horizon to horizon, as far as the eye can see, each with perfect freedom within its neighborhood, each growing unfettered yet according to the laws of emergent growing things ...... and where the cramped eye of classical economy and the pinched view of the rigidly doctrinal see chaos, I see the strength of diversity.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Game Of The Future: What If...
What If ...?: the future we threw war parties and war cakewalks based on lies, delusions, and the state of our testosterone? And, on waking from this madness, we decided what the heck and kept right at it? That would indeed be a bleak futuristic society.
Rules for What If ...?:
come up with some believable tripe, such as a complete incompetent fool will be elected President of the USA, write it down in the form " the future_____"
End by saying that would be a bleak future, bleak futuristic society, or truly an Orwellian dystopia, or some other nonsense.
Enough Is Enough
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Gooseing The Economy
The Joy Of Text
What If? : The Game Of The Future
O.K. I'll go first. What If ...?: ...the future society had opinion writers and commentators who wrote all their articles and essays in one, single first draft and never wrote a second draft? ...the future was essentially a "first draft" society?
That would indeed be a future fit for Rotwang! what if...?
Music: The Nechamah Girls
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Debates And HuffPost
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Our Lives In The Bush Of Ghosts: 9
Jack Torrance In The White House
I say, do you think the White House will have to be exorcised after the present crowd leaves office and goes to inhabit some Gadarene swine?
I saw on the news last night that John Ashcroft appeared to be the only member of the administration that thought it grossly improper to have senior officials discussing torture at meetings in the White House. Will the White House be like The Overlook? Will it look like Kubrick's The Shining? Will the staff see ghostly things? Will there be a Room 242 that is off-limits to all? And Llolyd!!!
The bartender. I'm sure Lloyd has been around a lot in the past 8 years. "Your money's no good here, Mr. Bush. Compliments of the management", said Lloyd. "White man's burden, Lloyd! White man's burden!", said George, pushing the money back into his wallet.
AND what about GRADY ??!!
"Mr. Bush; the Democratic Party is trying to bring an outsider into this situation. They are trying to bring in a n-----r chef .
You must take care of them, Mr. Bush. The management wonders if you can handle it?"
Monday, April 14, 2008
Haggee Watch
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Reverend Mr. Beebe And The BBC
Studying Violence
A Good Fit
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Resignation Now!
I Feel For John Conyers
Calling All Nitwits
2008 Graffitti Bowl
Airlines And The War On Distransportation
American Airlines suddenly recalls that it had oodles of maintenance to do. The FAA suddenly remembered, too, only after some whistle-blowers told all.
Very cozy.
Instead of congressional investigations, how about a show trial. Or how about one of those Guantanamo trials for the airlines and the FAA?
The problem would be that if a prosecutor claimed that American did not do some unspecified maintenace at some unspecified time, but this malfeasance is known to be true because some unspecified guy said it was, American - knowing in its heart what it had done- would probably not insist on facing its accuser and would say yeah, that's probably true.
So. How does the Present Day Actual U.S.A (PDA USA - pronounced "PDA!... (pause) ...USA!") handle such situations? I would expect these things:
1) The creation of a Department of Homeland Transportation, whose size would dwarf any previous departments,
2) The appointment of a Transportation Czar to oversee the new transport empire.,
3) Declare a War on Transportation Problems....hmmm, not catchy enough. Transportation Bottlenecks? No. How about a War on Dis-Transportation? or Distransportation, meaning that which do not transport.
OK. Declare a War on Distransportation,
4) Continue to ignore rail transportation, the most fuel efficient of them all,
5) Make speeches on the importance of Biofuels and how they are better than food. Using our own patented temporal chopper and blender time machine, we may see the outcome of the first study authorized by the new Transportation Department: Transport of the Future:
Making Fun Of Religion
The World's Ugliest McMansion 1
1. how many columns does it have?
2. are those the cheapie windows? ( the mullions are strips of celluloid or whatever.)
3. is it sufficiently large that the inhabitants will not be able to clean it?
4. is it too big for its location? does it overwhelm the environment?
5. does it make the neighboring hitherto undescript ranch houses from the 50s and 60s look like bloody works of art?
6. does it effectively destroy a goodly number of sightlines?
7. does it resembling a badly designed mausoleum, or a columbarium gone bad?
8. does it resemble back lot sets for Gone With The Wind?
9. does it look like the Temple of Dagon? could it be used for a Conan the Barbarian movie?
10. when you see it, do words like "preposterous" and "arrogant" and "hybris" come to mind?
this week's:
The Discreet Reverse Darwinism Of The Bureaucracy
"Reverse Darwinism" suggests a survival of the stupidest or most incompetent. I think there may be a corollary to this law, something along the lines of reverse darwinism leading to enormous and unwieldy bureaucracies along the lines of Homeland Security.
Homeland Security...such a typical American response: let's pretend that if we smoosh a whole bunch of agencies together that we shall (1) achieve enormous economies of scale, and (2) communications miraculously will occur between the new areas of this mega- department, and (3) it will be vastly more efficient...neglecting the fact that we have not yet defined what "efficiency" is for the behemoth.
I call this attitude "Czarism". It is another expression of the desire for "czars": drugs czars to head the War on Drugs, for one example. Czarism is an off-shoot of Manhattan-Project-itis, which is the attitude that if one suspends free markets and throws a lot of money at something, good results are guaranteed. Of course, from where this guarantee comes is not defined. Anyway here goes: Assuming one has a foot-and-mouth disease ( disease of cattle) laboratory, is it safer to have it located in (1) an isolated island? or (2) on the mainland in proximity to other cattle?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
OpenOffice Logo
Globalization will have disappeared by the end of my life. The food crisis which is coming and which will meld with the energy crisis which will conjoin with a confidence crisis, will serve to cause the pendulum to swing back to more protected markets.
Globalization was a embarking on unknown territory. It was a large change, and , thus, a cause of anxiety. Thus far, the political leaders who followed the innovators have been dismal people with no vision for their countries as a whole. They were only able to muster the piggish glee of unruly children who are dumped miraculously into a chocolate factory, and who then hire the rest of us at starvation wages to endure the stomach aches that are consequent to their gluttony.
Take George Bush. He is abnormally obtuse and has nothing to offer the vast majority of people he leads. When there is a crisis on Wall Street, it is George to the rescue. However, let some of the lesser breed loose a few millions houses here or there, or not have enough to buy proper and nourishing food for their families, it's the same old dance about the Free Market!
"I am the very model of a modern free economy, even though I speak and act as if I'd had lobotomy!"
Consider that financial problems at present stemmed from an unprecedented creation of money by various financial instruments; consider that this would have created an enormous Inflation, BUT....... did not because we had had the forethought to counterbalance this by the destruction of the manufacturing base in the USA. This destruction of the manufacturing base opened the door to imports. Since imported products were cheaper, the cheaper products offset the Inflationary pressure of the insane things Wall Street was doing. Inflation is hitting India and Asia, however, particularly in food and energy. Prices are beginning to go up. Once the imports rise in price to the USA, the lid on inflation will blow off like a 4th of July rocket. Of course, the Fed will have lowered interest, you figure out the rest of the scenario. 30years from now, the only people talking about Globalization will be the inhabitants of Hell.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
The Id Of The Internet
My new passtime is coming up with a random word, putting it into Google and seeing what images are drummed up from the Internet's Unconscious, it's Id, if you will.
(Remember that the Krel were slaughtered by the monsters from the Id. See Forbidden Planet anent that business. However, remember also that saints as well as devils come from the Id. So there.)
Random word 1
a picture of Petra in a very nice Italian web Magazine. Petra and something...Petra e...i...pagliacci, maybe.
McCain's Navy
Music: Taking Back Sunday
The Most Recent Post From Mogambo
By The Mogambo Guru
Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR) Gary S sent me the chart of "30-Day Gold Lease Rates" from, which definitely shows that the one-month gold lease rate was less than zero. He asks, "The lease rates on 30-day gold and silver are negative?!?! What does that mean? Are banks paying other banks to lease gold? Are banks so desperate to raise cash that they are giving away gold??? Am I using too many question marks?" As for the questions of punctuation, the answer is no, as multiple question marks indicate the appropriate level of complete freaking befuddlement at such a bizarre statistic; leasing gold at less than zero percent interest! ...
Indeed. Why cannot we entice the local banks to pay us interest to borrow from them?
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Shopping Cart Screaming Man
Who? Me? Racist?
John Dugard And The UN Human Rights Council
Monday, April 07, 2008
Too Late, The Plexippus
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
House Burning Party?
I mean, the standard houses built during the boom were subject to exponential greed on the part of the developers; i.e., the more money they made, the more they needed to make. They were subject to a lack of thoroughly trained contracting professionals, because so many units were being built that kids were in charge of most of them. Now as house prices plummet, what shall we do with the excessive inventory of unsold houses. Don't forget that there is a good chance that 60% or more of this inventory is total crap.
An article in Reuters:
Foreclosures come to McMansion country
These houses are sometimes nicknamed "McMansions," disparaging both their extravagance and their look of mass production -- like hamburgers from a McDonald's restaurant. Between 1990 and 2005, the county's population tripled to 272,000. Many of those moving here relied on risky, high-interest loans to buy the house of their dreams.
This tells us all we need: junk design, fast growth, in debt up to one's the old TV commerical from not so long ago put it. I live in a newer development. Often the material is crap. The design is crap. The workmanship is often crap. This was not just a housing bubble...this was a crap bubble. Well, we as a society have always took pride in our anti-Amishness; we are up-to-date and charging right ahead on all 12 cylinders while they drive horses and buggies. They also get our spill-over gun crimes when our society cannot absorb anymore at times. They have barn raisings. Let's have house burnings! Apart from the Insurance companies, a reduction in inventories will be all for the better. Besides, those poorly built, jerry-rigged boxes set on lots denuded of trees will not last all that long if there is no one to maintain them. Think about it.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Hello, Lenin!
I mean, we took a socialized approach to the financial markets in the matter of Bear Stearns. Personally, I never much cared about markets, free or not free; I thought free markets were good because of the emergent behavior to which they gave rise. I do not consider emergent behavior to be an "invisible hand" that miraculously guides markets.
Market behavior emerges from the chaos of individual conscious economic beings...for Good or Bad. So when things get dicey, we diverge from total freedom. So we do the same for medicine. It is too late to use the term "socialized medicine" as some sort of shibboleth to separate free marketers from socialists. We are all in the same boat.
We have faced the myths we created of our sacrosanct "free markets", and we blew them away. Only the mentally inept could not face up to this now. Socialized, socialized,'s not too hard to say anymore.