danaus plexippus
I have decided to always be bright and cheery in my posts from now on. Thus, I shall speak of monarch butterflies. What could be finer?
Habitat Destruction May Wipe Out Monarch Butterfly Migration
(Apr. 5, 2008) —
Intense deforestation in Mexico could ruin one of North America’s most celebrated natural wonders ...
This is not quite as bright and cheery as one would have hoped for for one's premier bright and cheery article, but it has its good points. It is rather chummy from the illegal loggers' point of view.
High price of wood, not enough enforcement, too many people needing cellulose based items...
All these things have been going on all my life: enormous population growth, not enough resources to go around the various economic traps which control resources, ignorance, greed, and a few more, but you get the idea.
Rock on!
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