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Friday, November 21, 2008

Full Stop

I think I shall be silent for a while. I am going to think about things, meditate, and find my way in a totally new world. My God is intimately involved in life. I do not go so far as to consider the present illness to be a judgement of God, although many theological "wits" have so considered other disasters - the 9/11 comes to mind. As I said before, I cannot believe that I know the mind of God. As soon as I make that step, I become an idolator of myself. I absolutely refuse to do that, and thus join the ranks of 99% of the rest of the believers of the present day. I do not believe, nor believe in. I expect. I expect because it is my habit. Habit! Something habitual, done before, over and over and over... I am also becoming a Platonist! The divide between Spirit and Matter has returned, and I see our everyday world of Matter as sort of a support system for the Symbolic realms of the Past and the Future. The World of Matter is the Present, and that is where the Consciousnesses made of Matter, e.g. human beings, work and rework the symbols of past, present, and future. The Spirit realm is that of Symbols. Irony was the cause of this. Irony used to be a type in Literature; it was a style, a form, a twist and a turn... But it may also be judgement. The quicker the judgement, the sharper the Irony. Irony shapes the world. If you are corrupted, Irony will reverse you into your just deserts. If you are pompous, Irony will bring you down a peg. The mighty are brought down, and the lowly are raised... And in no place do I see a coming together of the opposites, a coincidentia oppositorum according to Jung. I do believe this to have been the most unGodly age of mankind, for even the devout are arrogant and puffed up. There's going to be a lot of chaff to blow in the wind, before the harvest feast.

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