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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, No. 08-205

Shadow Play

This Supreme Court decision early this year extending the "rights" of individual citizens to Corporate entities, barring limits on campaign contributions, has effectively destroyed the 18th Century concept of the Individual and the Rights of the Individual - "Individual" conceptualized as an individual man or woman - that is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States.

It has done more than allow unlimited funds to buy votes; it has struck at the very bedrock of our way of life and liberty.

To put artificial, fictive, and legal entities up on the pedestal where stand those who have received their rights from "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God"  is to deny the rights of man and to embrace the rights of the artificial collective.
With all the talk about socialism, you are surprised that I find the most iniquitous proof of its presence in a conservative Supreme Court decision? We are too habituated to the symbols we have grown used to; in the age of Revolution, things are never what they seem: they have moved on while we stand wondering.

All the talk about Conservatism or Liberalism, all the talk about Strict Constructionism, all the babble about trying to understand what the framers' of the Constitution meant... all that is meaningless. We are in adifferent place, and we are moving to enshrine the artificial entity of Corporation as a recipient of Rights and Laws of God and Nature on a footing equal to men and women. Call it whatever you will, it is a "strictly monstrous" construction.



Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Cool picture! :-D

Unknown said...

"Monstrous" covers it quite well. Indeed, it's an excellent description of the entire time in which we live.

By the bye, have you noted how quickly BP is folding up its tents in the Gulf?

Montag said...

When the real extent of the Oil Jamboree down there becomes clear, they will be elsewhere.