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Thursday, August 12, 2010


The wonderful blog Pruned has made blog of note.
Imagine that; only a few weeks after some blog whose sole purpose seemed to have been complaining about blog o' note, not being blog o' note, and jokes about blog o' note, this exquisite blog that has been here for years and years finally makes it.



Ruth said...

Whoa. Thanks for the intro to Pruned.

Unknown said...

Is "blog o' note" your own concoction? How many are there?

Montag said...

It is and has been for years absolutely perfect.

You can spend a lot of time reading old posts, and you're never disappointed.

Montag said...

It's "Blog of Note" and I guess the staffers at Google sort of pick their faves.

Some have been a bit hideous...
but I really don't understand why it took so long for Pruned to be named...

We were reaching the point where they would have to merely award a "Blog Lifetime Achievement" award in lieu of the real blog o' note.