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Friday, August 27, 2010

Take a Breathe...

...and ask yourself, what is it, exactly, that we as a nation are supposed to be doing?

It ain't this.


Unknown said...

Taking care of its poor people, repairing the infrastructure, investing in productive as opposed to destructive projects, fixing the educational system, withdrawing from its overseas military bases, coming to grips with our past so as to find out who we really are . . . Shall I go on?

Montag said...

When did we begin to think such "malign neglect" was our work?

Unknown said...

When we decided that government had NO role other than war in society, and that taxes by definition were evil impingements on liberty and the free market.

Montag said...

That is true, and it is illogical. War needs taxes.

The Centralized War Machine which has been running since 1941 requires coercion for obedience, and it requires taxes to run it.
Anyone who thinks that they can separate war and taxes is going to be run over by history.

It is the devotion of so much of our total effort to war and destruction that will force the Central Government to take away freedom.

Which war did we wage when habeas corpus was not threatened or suspended? what war did not require martial law imposed somewhere? which fairy tale war was it that did not need the centralized direction of resources? the control of prices?

There never has been such a benign war. War is the exception to freedom. By enshrining it, we have sealed our doom.