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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


All the talk of the Creative Destruction of Capitalism and how that is part of its glory... yet we cannot face up to Deflation, the decrease in the prices of assets. Deflation is part and parcel of the creative destruction, otherwise a cup of coffee that cost 2 cents in 1885 would cost $5 million now. We shall experience deflation because it is the only way that our savings will actually grow, since interest rates are at Zero; my $7000 in the bank now will buy $7500 worth of goods next year - ignoring medical care which always goes up.

We are terrified of Deflation because it lowers the value of assets.
Therefore, it is a nightmare to the asset-holding class.
While the rest of us would like a chance to buy something a bit cheaper, the 2% of the population that holds the wealth and really runs the country does not want to see their assets lose value. Thus we must fight deflation, and by doing so, we totally lie about capitalism as some sort of creative destruction, we lie about our economic stories. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, at stake anymore in this country except maintaining the value of the assets of the rich.

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