Monday, June 30, 2008
Armageddon...Or Nothing!
The House of Representatives have a Resolution 326 authorizing blockades of Iran, also stating this does not authorize war, too stupid to realize that blockades are not acts of peaceful amity. Whom do these representatives represent?
There are by percentage more Israelis that oppose such actions than there are people in D.C. who support them.
The subtitle of this blogs refers to a society slipping into End Time. Perhaps you thought this to be some sort of literary embellishment on my part. Not at all. I was compelled to write these things in order to leave a record for my let them know I opposed what was and is going on.
This country is destroying itself in every important sense. We are letting this country be destroyed by a clique who are bent on total destruction. Attack Iran and even forget buying gasoline, much less how much it costs. Your economy, your way of life will disappear.
Personally, I favor pursuing a different course, enduring isolated attacks, responding in kind, all the while trying to engage the other side...... This was done with North Korea, but North Korea is far enough from Israel that such tactics may be employed. North Korea was far enough away from Israel that the Secretary of State could be allowed to do her job and employ diplomacy. Iran is too close to Israel.
The neighborhood of Israel is where the boys George and Dick are in charge of the 'hood. So its Armageddon...or nothing! America is only as strong as its people, not its weapons. If America becomes nothing but lying monsters and madmen, it will commit this suicide.
Life Of Bush = Animal House?
McHale's Iraq Centennial War
Sorry. McCain. McHale, McCain, what is the difference? Anyway, time left in the Iraq Centennial War: 99 years 6 months 16 hours 49 minutes 10 seconds
Who Is McCain's Handler?
I mean, Angela Lansbury played Mrs. John Iselin, the handler of her son in The Manchurian Candidate. Is that look in Mrs. McCain's eye adoration...or cold-blooded cunning?
Even the vile Mrs. Iselin looked softer.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Scarce Half-Made Up President Bush
The Surge
"It's from our sufferings that we form our consciousness" Lisa Bonet Whether these words are original with the young lady or not is no matter. They are ascribed to her and she is very intelligent. Suffering is unique. Our pleasures are similar to the joy of everyone else, but our suffering is uniquely ours. We brand our name on our pain with questions of guilt: what did we do to deserve this? we tear ourselves down to the very quivering wave of existence, and if we dare face the world, we let ourselves be built back up again to the individual we are, as we remember ourselves to be.
Suffering make us unique, for it makes the world slow down to focus on our abasement, whereas joy speeds everything up and slingshots us into the millenium. Look at Job; even in his righteousness, he could not have been as righteous as he makes himself out to be when he laments the turnabout of his fortune. It is he as Job who is at the center of the universe, the sole concern of God and the Tempter and all the hosts of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.
Why We Fight
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Quiet Of Iraq
Karl Rove Works For Fox News
Kristolnacht June 27 2008
Mr. Black's Terrorist Attack
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Why We Shall Need Admiral Fallon
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Fox News Two Minute Hate
Holy Bling
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mr. Black
Mr. Charles Black, adjutant to Johnnie McCain, thinks that a terrorist attack would be a big advantage to McCain's presidential chances. I agree. A few thousand Americans incinerated or bombed or sunk or dropped from the sky...or whatever Mr. Black has in mind, would be exactly what the Republican Party ordered: take two catastrophes and call me in the morning.
Of course, Republican inspired catastrophes do not count, say like an economy in free fall. No bounce, no play.
Mr. Black reminds me powerfully of Mr. Grey, the alien, in the film Dreamcatcher.
Craven New World
Why I Despise Modern Republicans
Blinded In Gaza

June 20th marked World Refugee Day. And just as this year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel, next year will mark the UN resolution that established the UNRWA, UN Relief and Works Agency...for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East. However, we note that some anniversaries commemorate births of communities, recalling the horrors and Holocaust that preceeded, while other anniversaries mark the continuation of another people's holocaust: 60 years of destruction. There is an editorial for World Refugee Day from Karen Konihg AbuZayd, Commissioner-General of UNRWA: Some holocausts never end. We fought to end one; others we cannot or will not stop. This is what I mean by a "test" of a society: the line of possible future ramifies into an infinite forest of branching paths, and we must take the most humane, the most moral ones, else we shall find ourselves lost and blinded in Gaza.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Weekend Reading
Friday, June 20, 2008
Why A Goldwater Republican Despises Reagan/Bush Republicanism
...Today, 25 years after Reagan assumed office, it is hard to exaggerate his influence on American politics in general and on the conservative movement in particular. Many of the once-controversial elements of his philosophy—tax cuts to spur economic growth, a build-up of American defense forces, confronting totalitarianism abroad, an end to welfare dependency at home—are today embraced by most (but not all) Republicans and even some Democrats, and the conservative movement he headed has effectively become the established core of the GOP. This transformation has been one of the great ideological triumphs in American politics...
All very true...except that tax cuts spurred bubbles that destroyed more wealth than they created, the American defense forces show no signs of being able to keep track of their own nuclear weaponry nor are they scaled to an appropriate size for the opponent they face: essentially an infinite black-hole of expenditure, and although welfare dependency may have been ended, the system has encouraged a dependency of the business class on the active conspiracy of government agencies to wink at their less ethical schemes.
That is your Reagan Republicanism:
Bear Sterns executives in $1,000 suits scamming their investors and being arrested;
American defense spending in its war on terror approaching that of the amounts spent during the Cold War when it confronted the USSR, a real nation state with an army;
An active schism in the body politic between haves and have-nots, between the old and the young, between racial sense of community and common reciprocal need.
When I think Reagan, I think "Death Valley Days".
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Cellars Of Invention
Shopping Cart Screaming Man 2
Religion And The Philosopher MacFinn
What destroys the love is the human side of religion: the things human beings need, or think they need, for their enterprise of religion to function; the laws, the buildings, the monies, and so on. This human side of religion is backwards-looking, retrograde, slothful, cautious, fearful, pinch-penny, neutered, and the list goes on...all the baggage of human society.
This retrograde human side of religion is, in the spirit of Arnold Toynbee, the continuation of Universal State by Universal Church. If man is to progress, he must separate God from what has gone before in his life, for by definition, God is the new and the future, and man's life is the thing of a childhood due to be cast aside for the new good news.
This is what I mean when I say that I do not believe in God; I expect God.
If God's being is imminent all the time, does it not strike one as silly to stop and say that one believes? Is it not just as silly as saying one does not believe? I mean, under what circumstances would you say that you are an atheist? You just have an attittude about religious types and you like to attack them? This is hardly a basis for a discussion of beliefs. And if you are in a debate sponsored by such and such a forum and the topic is "God, does he/she/it exist?", in all fairness, would you not expect the entire shambles to be quite ridiculous?
Recently, when Tim Russert passed, someone said that you knew he was very religious guy, but he was never in your face about it. Now, this means that he is a type of person who is not pushy about beliefs, but it also implies that when bad things are done, this type of person may not publicly protest.
Now this attitude, expressed about Mr. Russert, best sums up the attitude of our American and human society about God, it is part of our religious structure: keep God in his place, which is essentially that of justifying everything we feel compelled to do. But it does not free us, rather it delivers us to the evil one in chains. To keep God in his place is to treat God as a concept. God is not a concept. There is no conceptual knowledge of God. To speak of God is to speak of quantum mechanics and what is the state of Schrodinger's cat: is it quick or dead? To speak of God, then, is equivalent to stand with an infinite daisy and pluck at the petals, saying "...she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not,..." as we flip flop between possible states of being. To love God is to stop. I say "...loves me..." and speak no more.
Everyday religious people say "...loves me..." and carry on the flip flop process using different words and different symbols, unleashing an erudite flood of words, overwhelming all in its path. But when the waters recede, we are dry and untouched. It is like MacFinn: the water is the divine and he experiences water within the structure and confines of the established bowl, not quite suspecting what that wavy thing is on the near horizon.
MacFinn: ( slapping his fin against the glass side of the bowl) Thus do I refute unseen and non-local causes, wierd notions and innovation, and things outside the established religion! Yes, I see the wavy thing you call "sea", but it has no existence independent of the glass bowl, the crystal church, wherein we live. Were it not for the light wave propagation through the medium of glass, the "sea" would not exist! What you call "sea" is a projection from the water within our bowl, outwards without bounds. It is merely the natural human desire to expand and to imperialism. The quaint notion that "sea" somehow will make us different is preposterous, as if it makes sense to say: "Now we see as in a darkling bowl, but soon we shall all be changed!" Nonsense! Pure rubbish!
"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Lord,as the waters cover the sea."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Dark City June 17 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
National Call Someone A Nazi Day Two
Since today is Fathers' Day, I shall celebrate it by calling Ann Coulter a Nazi. This is particularly gratifying as there is a definite element of paradox in it. I mean, just how often does a woman born to play Leni Reifenstahl or Eva Braun - a svelte bombshell of the sahellian slim, thin body and blondy locked hair- get to be Fuehrer for a day? I shall pronounce the word "Nazi" as did Winston Churchill, uttering a lushly sibilant "Nazi" with a "z" pronounced as an English or American "z" or "zed", and not at all like a German "z", which is pronounced like "ts" ( hence, Nah-tsee). Then we shall sing in honor of the holiday: Coulter... has only got one ball! Limbaugh....has two but they are small. very sim'lar and Goebballs....und so wieder, und so wieder, und so wieder...verstehen Sie nun?
Airlines And The War On Distransportation 2
The Jewish People In History
Israel curbs Palestinian building on disputed land
By DALIA NAMMARI Associated Press Writer AQABEH, West Bank (AP)
-- The elders of this West Bank village hold their meetings under a carob tree, sitting on boulders arranged in a circle. It looks idyllic, but is born of necessity - the council doesn't have a meeting hall. Aqabeh, home to 299 people, has never received Israeli construction permits despite many requests, its mayor says. After losing a battle in Israel's Supreme Court in April, the village now lives with the threat of seeing 37 of its 47 structures demolished, according to a U.N. count. That includes 27 homes, a clinic, a mosque and a kindergarten that was co-financed by a U.S. charity, the Building Alliance. All were built illegally, Israel says...I shall take this moment to describe my point of view of the Jewish people and their place in History.
Hitherto, it has been fashionable for people, hearing the expression "the chosen people", to understand this as meaning correctly that the Jews are set apart, but incorrectly as that somehow the Jews were more important and dearer to God than the nations. My own opinion is that the Jewish people are the Beta testers of God. Israel is thus far a 60 year test.
From our point of view the results are decidedly mixed, but from the boss's point of view, who knows?
After the Holocaust, one would think that the return to Israel was a blessing and a sabbatical for the Jews. Instead they are now facing one of the hardest tests ever: can they establish peace and justice in the land where there are Israelis and Palestinians?
It may seem counterintuitive that brute physical and spiritual survival against the Tyrrany was less difficult than Peace and Harmony, but so much for intuition: throughout history, we have always seen tyrrany, but bloody little Peace and Harmony. Hence, P and H are pretty slim pickings.
The test as to whether Israel can actually have two ethnic groups seems to have failed, even though there are Palestinians living in Israel and, indeed, serving in the Knesset. However, I think even the founders, though they spoke of such an ideal, were not deluded and knew that it was next to impossible. This Beta test indicates a failure. Notice that while this Beta test of ethnic groups living together has been run in Israel, it has also been run in numerous other locations on the globe. Bosnia, Kosovo, and Ruanda come to mind immediately.
The tests that the Jews are in are tests of all men. Given their unique position as "testers" or "test takers", if the Jews fail, it is highly probable that no other group will succeed, at least at the present stage of human development. Now the other test is whether the Palestinian State may be established and the just claims of Palestinians be met. May Jew and Palestinian meet as "I" and "Thou", or are they condemned forever to be "Us" versus "Them", the Jews versus the Nations, the Dar al Islam versus the Dar al Harb? When I walk outside my group, am I become Gershom, a stranger in a strange land? Am I become Ghasheem, transformed into an alien in the midst of day? This is still in Beta testing. God willing, we shall know the results soon and shall share them with you.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
How Long Until Fox News Says...
Philosopher MacFinn
The Scottish Realist, MacFinn, asking himself whether the fish bowl of his existence is 3/4 full...or is it 1/4 empty......?
So full of such lofty cogitations is he, he does not see the large salty thing beyond.
Habeas Corpus: The Minority Report
Justice Scalia, flanked by Justice Thomas, Chief Justice Roberts, and Justice Alito in the background, after issuing their minority decision on whether Guantanamo detainess have access to the US courts.
The darkness and shadows of their subterranean refectory is symbolism as well as realism.
The Seventh Sense
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Judgement Day?
Final Skynet satellite launched The Skynet 5C platform rode into orbit atop an Ariane 5 rocket from the Kourou spaceport in French Guiana. Oops. Terminator time.
Code: (1) is Skynet 5C
Jews Whack Arabs
Footage from a video camera handed out by an Israeli human rights group appears to show Jewish settlers beating up Palestinians in the West Bank.
An elderly shepherd, his wife and a nephew said they were attacked by four masked men for allowing their animals to graze near the settlement of Susia. The rights group, B'Tselem, said the cameras were provided to enable Palestinians to get proof of attacks.
In case you do not know, B'Tselem is an Israeli human rights group.
The Supreme Court Decides
Habeas Corpus
Rachel Ray And Dunkin Donuts
Once again we shall show you blokes in the USA just how insular and parochial - not to mention comically ignorant - the dregs of the right wing (Michelle Malkin etc.) are.
Referring to the fact that Michelle Malkin took Dunkin' Donuts to task for a commerial featuring Ms. Ray garbed in a roguish keffiya, worn like a scarf - definitely charming but not too, too Arafat-esque. (Where's Tim Gunn when one needs him?)
Expensive media time was spent on this, and D Donuts yanked said ad with a "terrorist fist jab" (Fox News). ... I really did a double-take a couple times while in Israel two weeks ago: keffiyahs are for sale everywhere. And not by Arabs in the Christian and Muslim quarters of the Old City, or East Jerusalem, or Nazareth — but by Jews in Jewy places...
What The President Is Responsible For
Fox News and their mindless minions like to make assertions to the tune of: the President can't actually be blamed for the state of the economy; this follows 9 months or so after a long, drawn out two-step during which they took bows for the state of the economy. Fair enough. In his own words, the President likes to see himself go down in history as the wartime President leading the effort of a successful war.
However, the Founding Fathers actually envisaged the President to be a bit more than a Warlord. The President was the executive, meaning he executed that which was the law of the land, said laws being established by Congress. Exactly when we got into the situation where the President capers nimbly on the decks of naval vessels, sees himself as a wartime President, fancies himself to be the Bringer of Democracy to the world, and other such nonsensical notions, dates to January 20, 2000. Exactly when we reached the point where the executive branch ignores the will of the people as expressed in Congress dates to January 20, 2000.
As executive, it is the job of the President to see to the smooth running of the entire government. It is not the business of the executive to, for example, put scientifically incompetent religious dweebs into power at NASA. This, to my uninitiated eye, has the appearance of undermining the smooth running of the government. It is the job of the President to see to the operation of the FDA, for example; to see that it looks out for the nation, as well as the well-being of corporate entities. Here is where this President has been an abject failure.
It's about tomatoes now:
June 12 (Bloomberg) --
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has failed to provide costs or deadlines for a plan to improve food safety even as tainted tomatoes have sickened Americans, according to a report to Congress. The agency oversees the safety of about 80 percent of the nation's food supply, including $417 billion in domestic products and $49 billion in imports annually, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office. The FDA said in a November plan it would improve the way it polices the food industry by collecting data it needs to focus on the riskiest products. Prospects for the plan can't be judged unless the agency explains how it would be carried out, said Lisa Shames, director of natural resources and environment for the GAO, in testimony to be given at a House hearing today. ``As food-borne illness outbreaks continue, FDA is missing valuable opportunities to reassure Congress and the public that it is doing all it can to protect the nation's food supply,'' Shames said in her testimony. The FDA said yesterday it hasn't been able to identify the source of tomatoes that health officials say are the likely cause of 167 reported cases of salmonella in 17 states since mid-April. Lawmakers criticized the FDA's handling of food and drug safety when consumers became ill after eating tainted spinach in 2006, peanut butter in 2007 and using contaminated lots of the blood-thinner heparin this year...To my memory, this is the 3d year we have had outbreaks of vegetables being a threat to human life, the previous threats being E.Coli. If you think I am being facetious about blaming George Bush for this, we shall spend the time and go back into the history of the FDA since the year 2000. It will be suspiciously similar to that of the FAA and other agencies who took their cue from the administration and cosied up to business interests. Moral: no man can serve 2 masters.