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Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Cellars Of Invention

The entry to the John Yoo Interrogatorium
McClatchy has an absolutely stunning article on the people in the Bush administration who worked to set up the Guantanamo system and the torture system: the cellars of inventive testimony and screams of Truth and Justice. Easing of laws that led to detainee abuse hatched in secret A good excerpt: Romig recalled tense discussions with Yoo in November and December 2001 about setting up military commissions to try detainees. "John Yoo wanted to use military commissions in the manner they were used in the Indian wars," Romig said. "I looked at him and said, 'You know, that was 100-and-something years ago. You're out of your mind; we're talking about the law.' " What really interests me now is whether Bush will issue some sort of blanket pardon for crimes that a number of his minions have not yet been indicted for. Of course, this would not apply to other countries who may detain the malefactors for transgressions against international law.

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