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Friday, June 27, 2008

Mr. Black's Terrorist Attack

The popular knowledge believes that Mr. Black's claim; i.e., that a new terror attack on the US is just what the doctor order for McCain, has a problem. The problem is that it is popular knowledge, the same type that supported the inception of war with Iraq. The cable TV talkers give McCain a pass on this, because popular knowledge knows it to be true, and Mr. Black's failure was giving his worst of thought the worst of words. He should have kept quiet. However, I believe it would demonstrate that the last 8 years did not make us any safer. It would show that we gave up our rights and ethics for nothing. We enraged more people, some of whom slipped through our cordons. The type of behavior exhibited by this country's leaders over the last few years is a death wish: it is a country that desires death and war and destruction...forever. Another terror attack would be the seventh seal upon the modern day Republican mind set. Furthermore, consider that Mr. Black may be uttering a self-fulfilling prophecy. Furthermore, consider the smallness of minds that consider such arrant nonsense to be correct. These morons are blatting all day and night on cable, polluiting the airwaves, bringing their obscurant nonsense right into the homes of all of us.

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