A pretentious title, perhaps, but here goes: There was a leak last week about covert operations targeting Osama bin Laden in the tribal areas of Pakistan, and the result that the people in charge, and the White House, quite possibly, put an end to such plans. This resulted in Al Quaida being allowed to grow unmolested in Pakistan. This leak was obviously as response to the previous fortnight's discussion about the remark by Mr. Charles Black that a terrorist attack was be an immense boon to GOP chances in the upcoming election. It was obviously intended to take any such ill-begotten wind from the Republican Party's sail, for if such a terrorist attack were now to occur, all the Democrats would have to do is recall the fact that the powers that be forbade the operations against bin Laden. Where did Mr. Black get his info? Just surmise, I suppose. Surmise that is common knowledge among the bloodsuckers that pass for Republicans these days. Who knows what Cheney will do? Somebody at the Pentagon or CIA or FBI knows Cheney and what he is capable of. Therefore, they leaked this information to stop any possible enabling of terror on the part of Cheney's conservatives, and the bad actors who respond to his promptings. Similarly, Admiral Fallon's interview with Esquire magazine was not a mistake on his part. It was obviously a warning to the country at large. As expected, Admiral Fallon was removed from CentCom, and the "ass-kissing, little chicken shit" (Fallon's words) General Petraeus is in charge. Petraeus will not say no to Bush and Cheney. The leaking of the NIE report on Iran's nuclear activities was a similar blow against the evil tag team. The report had been held up for 9 months by Cheney, and it was only the threat of a leak of the entire report that dislodged it into the light of day. There are good men and women in the Government and the Military who are now actively opposing this government. These people are our heroes. This is one of the reasons I still believe there is a good reason George Bush may yet have to resign before January, 2009: he might allow himself once more to be wrongly influenced by the Cheney crowd, and lead this country into an even greater worsening of its situation. I think it very possible. The President has never allowed disagreement, so his view is that of a greedy and spoiled child. He has allowed himself to partake in the most outlandish flights of fantasy that eventuated in real life blood and horror. George Bush may do one more fatal mistake...and at that point there may be yet some of the good and decent people who will show him the door: either resign with honor, or be given the legal equivalent of the bum's rush.
photo von Das Kabinett
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