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Friday, November 27, 2009

Almost One Year On

November 29, 2008, my nephew Aloysius wrote here:

"My uncle tells us that human beings are not defined by their rationality, rather we are defined by our passions.
We come into life, we live life, and we exit life in a passion and rage of life; the Passion of Christ reflects our lives of passion, the Jihad of the Prophet is a mirror of our battles, the passage to Nirvana of the Lord Buddha follows our weary footsteps from dukha and despond to enlightenment.

The suffering of 1 man or 1 woman or 1 child is reason enough for God's entire creation to be outraged.
... an economy which cycles between surfeit and starvation cannot be good in God's eyes.
The "faith" in the autistic infallibility of self- interest working in free markets is a faith built on sand...

So he tells us today.
I record what he said. I am Aloysius, and the name may be derived from 'loyalty'. "

Smart cookie, that Aloysius.

In all our talk of Jihad, we never see a link with Christ's Passion: the original with blood and death, the extended metaphor of struggle against sin and immorality and the way to personal salvation.
I think it is because the public forum in the World is not interested in understanding nor spirituality, for it is Thunderdome !!!

Listen on! Listen on!
This is the truth of it:
Fighting leads to killing,
and killing gets to warring.
And that was damn near
the death of us all.

Now when men get to fighting,
it happens here.
And it finishes here.
Two men enter, one man leaves.

And right now,
I've got two men.
Two men with a gut full of fear.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. . .
. . .dying time's here!

Edwin Hodgeman:  Dr. Dealgood

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