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Monday, November 16, 2009



Baysage  ( )  has mentioned in a comment here a wonderful concept: Kairos.
Of course it is Greek. Everything really brainy is from Ancient Greece.

Why is that, you ask?

Because everyone says that all of Western Philosophy is but a series of footnotes to Plato.

I know it is pathetically fail, but that's what they say - and take pride in.
We are so enmeshed in the past and our memories - imperfect though they might be! - of the past, that we don't create the future. We really have nothing to do with it until it is forced down our gullets...rather as if we were the geese for foie gras.
Why, even the great gift of our religion was wrenched from the hands of Abraham, and handed over to Plato. Plato! Who cheated his fellow Pythagoreans, and was kicked out of their brotherhood!!

I was going to write bit about it, but the Paranoid Archipelago beckons, so I must go hop in the old auto and get in the middle of one of those ghastly Ben-Hur type chariot-race/traffic-jams we go through every morning here; no public transport. Ay caramba! Quien needs public transport!??


Ruth said...

Montag, while I avoid philosophy most times, now it hooks me because my new son-in-law is a philosophy professor. There is some obligation in loving him to follow it. He will be here for Thanksgiving after all. So, I looked up kairos.

I like it in the context of your blog as "the time when God acts."

Rhet on, McMontag.

Montag said...

Philosophers are the best...except for Martin Heidegger, whom a number of people are dumping on right now, along with Hannah Arendt.

It is tough being a Nazi after the war was lost.

"kairos" is very interesting. I glad Baysage ( "what Powderfinger said...) mentioned it.