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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Faith and Thanksgiving Reason

Thanksgiving Faith reminds me to get up at 5:00 a.m. and start doing the things I need to do, even though today is a holiday. Thanksgiving Reason tells me I can accomplish the same things by getting up a little later and leaving out that second cup of morning tea. I get up. Reason has led me through the planning of the previous 2 weeks; who is in and who is out? how many pounds per person? we need a 16 pound turkey. do you people know what you are doing? that is not my turkey. if we have 2 kinds of stuffing, then there will be no room in the oven… Faith leads me through the execution of it all with a devotion to the cause and a sense of service and humility ( why should I have to do all the work?!). Reason leads us to the feast of thanks and love. Faith puts it all together and is the culmination. Footnote I could go on about this, but I think this is just enough. I have mentioned how unsatisfactory is the experience of reading about religion these days. I intend to write more here on the topic. My thrust is Reason and Faith are different. Bad men may abuse either and we see terrible things done by Science or Religion. Furthermore, they need not be reconciled, for they are never apart, appearances to the contrary. They could only be called "apart" if they were supposed to have been "conjoined" in the first place. They are in us like Taste and Smell, different yet dependent on each other.

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