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Thursday, March 22, 2007

From The Archives

A note from my Note Vault: Use warfare to destroy infrastructure of target, then provide business for your own country's companies – a very unholy alliance. 04/12/03 March 12, 2003 apparently an observation on big Government and Big Business and how it was not only Oil, but also Oil Support Inudstries and fact, it was all politically connected companies. Only, it did not seem to work out. So, the fact that we see the disastrous remains of the days of Iraq in front of us should not blind us to the fact that the planners had something very different in mind, and not merely an exportation of democracy. The very notion of destroying the structure of a state and dropping a "democracy" bomb on them, which would explode into a springtime of love and tolerance and democracy is the type of juvenile thought so characteristic of Neoconservatives.

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