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Monday, March 19, 2007

Shaka Naw 3 And NeoCon Memorial Design 7

The Neoconservative Iraq Memorial Design
Great stuff, great stuff...great war, eh? Not a bad idea. Wonderful heritage for the Neoconservatives. What else could the heritage of that group of idiots be, however, other than outrage and opprobrium.

I never supported this war. I never found support for any of the reasons advanced, and I already knew the history of Iraq, so I knew there would be problems. I also stated that there were no WMDs to be found. Exactly why I did this is somewhat harder to understand. I remember thinking that if WMDs were found, it would be embarassing. But, I stuck with my belief.
It was a bit of a shock that absolutely nothing at all was found.I guess I had good intuition. Maybe I knew more than the CIA? Maybe my sources were a bit better than self-seeking Chalabis and other riff-raff. HEY! Come to think of it, what else do my sources say? Well, one thing one of them says - and I find it distressing-is that when the new Iraqi government monsters flipped the head of an aide to Saddam while they were supposedly hanging him, this was done on purpose. In fact, the original intent had been to flip old Saddam's head off like a spent match, but they had not perfected their technique. Why? After Hussein, the son of 'Ali and Fatima, had been slain along with all his retinue, his head was cut off and carried back to the caliph as evidence of death. Thus did the Sunni's behead the Shi'a. So this beheading of the present day was turn-about is fairplay. It was a hideous allegory made up by the twisted minds of our allies. Saddam's head would make up for the head of Imam Hussein.
A head of Hussein for a head of Hussein. Neat and tidy. That's the only new item. Everything else is old. There's the fact that the USA never did intend to leave case you've forgotten. Despite all assurances to the contrary, the USA built 4 permanent bases there. This government never had any intention of giving up its stranglehold on the oil. We looked the other way when the Sunni Saddam slaughtered the Shi'a at the end of Gulf War I. I assume the Sunni Saudis approved. We eagerly watched on prime time TV as bombs were dropped into the cities of Iraq. We thrilled over smart bombs. We turned away when sanctions were killing thousands of children. We ignore the ongoing slaughter of innocents...some how believing that the incompetent will lead us to victory and obtain a balm to assuage our consciences. We dismantled the Iraqi army and police in order to rid the scene of anyone to question our authority over the long term we would be there. When society collapsed into chaos-a turn of events the most obdurately foolish of students of sociology could have foretold-we were taken by surprise! When the civilian authority was removed, and when criminal acts were perpetrated, we were surprised! What idiocy!
We are trying out a private army, Blackwater, Inc., in Iraq to see how it works out for our masters. Yes, this is a private army and is obedient only to those who pay it. No flag, no Constitution, nothing but mercenary greed. Just like the Roman it fell. We were all in on this. We are all war criminals to have allowed this to go on so long, and to still even now allow it to continue, while people who are so ignorant that they do not know that ancient grudges will flare anew continue to kill for an ever-changing objective...and we hope they find some end, for in our souls there is a terrible emptiness and fear. I lost my taste for the present day American society. My America was a country of the past, not this present. So now you clowns go out and demonstrate against the war. Big deal. Pretty soon you'll be following some other group of charlatans. 30% of people support the President. What an interesting group they must be. I believe we have found the "Base". This is indeed a generation of vipers. Shaka Naw, Folks!

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