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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Israel's 60th

I am taking a step off the ledge here... Beyond wishing Israel a happy birthday, someone asked whether I considered the establishment of Israel to be a "good thing". Great. Not just a greeting, but now some sort of moral statement, as if I were a Daniel come to judgement. I must point out that since there is a substantial presence of Jews whose opinion of Israel may be summed up as follows: "Geholfen di Tziyonistishe medinah! Fun a shaykhes tzu reshoim kumt keyn guts nisht aroys! You helped the Zionist country! No good can come out of an association with evil people, only bad! " how could I judge when the Jews themselves are doing so. The fact that they do not agree is of no concern, for that fact does not imply that a rank outsider should be judge. That would be a change of venue of the most inappropriate kind: a change from those who live and know the reality to the ignorant outsider. It also does not matter that ignorant outsiders have been commenting of this matter for 60 years. Just because the writing heads and talking heads jump into the lake, does that mean I should? (As my mom would say!)

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