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Friday, May 09, 2008

The Politics Of Fear And Hate

The present holder of the presidency has made himself odious by his manipulation of hate and fear. He thinks that he is the master of the chaotic regime of evil that his two evil genies, Hate and Fear, will bring about. Of course, he is deluding himself, as have so many others done in the past. But....the dark side does have its attractions: power and wealth, the idols of our inverted worship. Today History's Rhyme During the past few days, one of this country's most popular leaders has emphasized her willingness to use nuclear weapons to "totally obliterate" another nation, ominously promised to "go right at OPEC", and -- yes -- railed against "Wall Street money brokers." In my world, this links up closely with yesterday's post on stupid writers (I refuse to use the hideous word "commentator" ever again!) in The American Spectator. We perceive the evil genius that caused "God Damn America!", the vile devil that engenders hate for the USA, the imp that gives us sleepless nights: OUR OWN impulse to immediately jump at the chance to use force and destruction, our own desire to obliterate those who differ from us, our own love of using fear and hate to political advantage. When we look at our enormous system of war making and destruction, we sense we are dangerously close to the Krel (of Forbidden Planet), and yet we will not change our path. We all are small town folks; we all are cut off from any dream community of shared enrichment; we inhabit desperate hovels with windows of greasy parchment. We congregate in furtive glee with our guns and our faith. We kill for sport and we sport to kill. Our faith contains the god of revenge and narcisscism. Don't get the idea I'm standing up for Wall Street money brokers. BUT... There is a very short distance from "Wall Street money broker" to "money grubbing Shylock"; there is a skip and a jump from the threat of total obliteration to Dr. Strangelove. This election will be a contest between Light and Dark. Literally, it will be the forces of future potential progress in the Good versus the forces of retrograde desuetude and the Dark. Disclaimer (When I started to write this, I can assure you I had absolutely no intention of writing ANYTHING remotely like what I wrote in the last two paragraphs. When I had written the first paragraph, I stopped and asked myself whence came this bit of writing? I did not quite know. I know that I am given to a bit of high-flown hyberbole and such, and I know the mythic outlines of epic stories of Good against Evil, but I did not mean to stray from the so-called real world into the realm of archetypes. I had to let it remain, for something told me the avatars of the world of archetypes are the guys who have been paying my daily bread ever since my birth.)

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