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Friday, May 16, 2008

Politics, Racism, And That Anti-Woman Thingie ( It's Name Escapes Me)

There is a good great of friction among Democrats. Some are dismayed about having to vote for a Black or a Woman. Interesting. I would vote for any entity who could deliver us from the idiocy of the present administration, and showed a glimmer of intelligence to restore American pride. I do not have pride in present day America. Past America, the America of history, in that I have lots of pride. Today's America? Heck, no! Wearing a flag lapel pin is no substitute for honesty, sobriety, hard work, truth, loyalty, pride in one's work, help for one's community, and the long term well being of the nation and the world. And nothing is substitute for the Sermon on the Mount Values...not "Christian values" nor "family values" , for those labels have been besmirched by too many unethical Christians. Sermon on the Mount, pal! ////////////// George Bush has compared someone to Hitler and someone to Ramsay MacDonald...or was it Chamberlain? Was it Mr. Austen Chamberlain? I saw Chris Matthews talking to an apparent gibbering idiot who is a Conservative talk show host, and the talk show host could not explain the analogy between Chamberlain and Obama in terms of what Chamberlain actually did, and the poor sot was reduced to blabbering "appeasement, appeasement" over and over as if it were some sort of magical incantation. Conservatives need a new label if such are called "conservative" these days. Anyhow, I thought if anyone looked like the H-man ( or "Hitler" to you. Some heavyweights read certain quatrains of Nostradamus which contain the word "Hister" as meaning "Hitler", even though Hister is the Latin for "Danube" river...this whole business of Hitler is quite bizarre. Perhaps we should call people "Hister" or the River Danube. It would make as much sense.), then that man was George Bush himself as he dressed himself up for "Mission Accomplished". The good man was positively beaming. Am I mistaken, or did he not walk with so sprightly a step that it looked like he was tripping the light fantastic? A bit of a victory jig? Just like the H-man did in Compiegne after the fall of France? Just like the victory dance outside the railroad car in Compiegne forest?

Dancing Dictators. Dancing on prone countries...dead countries...birds of a feather and roosting chickens.

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