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Friday, August 15, 2008

Bases In The Caucasus

Actually, it should be something like Mohammed Ali would have sung: the BASES in the CAUCASUS! In response to the Georgia situation, Poland and the USA have come to terms on basing missiles in Poland, ostensibly to deter an attack from Iran. The agreement also contains a mention of a US base in Poland.This must obviously be there to deter a land-based attack from Iran, also. I sense there were to be bases in Georgia. The USA was already training Georgian troops. Georgia, however, seems to have jumped the gun and ruined the entire scenario for Bases in the Caucasus. Orwell is catching up to the present, having missed the 1984 subway. Recall that Eurasia was Russian, East Asia was Chinese, and now it is obvious that Oceania is NATO and the EU. (Sorry abo0ut the redundancy of this post and the previous one on Oceania. However, I liked the ditty about "bases in the Caucasus", and I could not resist.)

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