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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Name Change?

I am considering changeing the name of this Blog to something shorter, something like Montag. That would be short and sweet. It would also seem enormously self-centered, but why should I leave something like that for people to find out later? May as well hit them between the orbs with the bad news straight off. I would take the present title and put it down as the sub-title. I would take the present sub-title and throw it away, as it sounds just too precious in a religious sort of way. I think I shall do this on St. Padraic's feast or thereabouts, possibly on Whit Sunday, May 15. I ignore April, the cruelest month. I think it shall be the earlier date, St. Padraic's. Everything would remain the same. Hopefully I myself will change, though. I would like to redact myself. So would everyone I know like a new edition of me. Not necessarily mailed to the doorstep, gratis, but they would like me to undergo a process somewhat like that Steve Buscemi's character underwent in Fargo, and thereby be changed.


Reading the Signs said...

"Montag" is a good name, Montag, especially as that is the name you go by when you comment. I don't think I've seen Fargo so can't answer your question, but blog identities would seem to be the perfect place for the occasional bit of reivention of oneself - if that is what you fancy.

Unknown said...

I vote "aye." Although I have to tell you, I'd never have checked in on a blog calling itself "Montag." But the current title was irresistible when I ran across it some months ago, and I'm still here.

Montag said...


I am familiar with the notion of re-inventing oneself.

What's been bothering me recently is the times we find ourselves in: when we shall all be changed - willingly or not.

My friends, there's a lot more going on than meets the eye.