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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Die Hard With A Vengeance, 1995

Starring two of my favorties, Bruce Willis and Samual Jackson. It also villain-starred Jeremy Irons as the bad guy. ( "Villain-star" means to star as the villain...formula pictures get formulaic language.)
What is particularly interesting is that the film features one of the first references to Binary Explosives, Jeremy Irons' character having left a suitcase behind in the first hero-villain encounter of the movie - it may help you to recall if I mention that they were playing a deadly game of "Simon says" - and the suitcase had  binary explosives in it.

As explained in the film, the binary consists of two parts, usually liquid - such as some epoxy glues - each part being harmless and innocuous, but being lethal once they are mixed together. Boom!@*^*!

This was the threat behind the ban on carry-on liquids a few years ago...everything is "a few years ago"  in this story...2001 was but "a few years ago".

The extra villainous quirk of the Xmas Day 2009 bomber was that it was being carried in one's underwear. So the entire process of opening 2 containers, forcing the liquids together, AND mixing them had to be undertaken within one's underpants, much to the bewilderment of the people sitting nearby. I mean, I know some undergarments that have seen horrible carnage, but this must have been an unusual sight.

This means that Al Qai'da's equivalent of " Q "  - Lieutenant Qaf - will have to back to the laboratory ( pronounced " lah- BORE-ah-t'ry" with a slight Dubai-Oxford accent ) and come up with a better way to mix binaries. In fact, I think Qaf  and his section have already come up with something I spotted, and which looks like the perfect way to deliver binaries.

If you are flying on commercial airliner around Super Bowl Sunday, beware of this new and improved binary delivery system:

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