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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ade Ileke 3: Soul Spiles

         Spile or Spyle for Maple Syrup

Children are a blessing. They are the conduits to another life.
In the cold Icelandic language, they are spila sálarinnar:
soul pegs, the hollow spouts in trees conducting
the living sap and resin from our souls
to spill upon the snow like a maple confection.


Ruth said...

Gorgeous. How did you know that?

Montag said...

You told me about it in your comment that mentioned "spyling". I had the context of trees being harvested of their resins, so then you pushed me into maple syrup and sweets and bitter-sweets and... voila.

Ben said...

When I think of children, I think of renewed hope for the world...that maybe, just maybe, children will give the world new breath...

In fact, dare I say that the nimbus of God surrounds children most strongly than anyone else? Especially if those children are sweet and maple syrup!

But these days there's little room for children to be idyllic and Tom Sawyer like...Maybe I am just in mind of little villages by the quiet river.

Lovely Ade Ileke, Montag.


Montag said...

Thank you, Ben.

Children are rather wonderful.