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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama & Ayers; Boomers & Betrayal; Flying Dutchmen

I have discovered Mr. Ayers and have read about him in the Wall Street Journal, a broadsheet which disapproves of Mr. Ayers' radicalism. ** First, as I Christian, I am rather forced into certain "radical" stances, whether I wish to be or not. In Luke, chapter I, we read: 51: He [God] has shown might with His arm; He has confused the proud in their inmost thoughts. 52: He has deposed the mighty from their thrones and raised the lowly to high places. In this we discern a radical reversal of fortunes inherent in the understanding of God of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Even though you may be unaware of this canticle, or you may have forgotten it, I can assure you that the words of Mary form part of the very substructure of my consciousness. ** Second, in my opinion, our present "funk" is due to two main groups: (1) the so-called Greatest Generation of WW II, and (2) their frightful offspring known as the "Boomers". The Greatest Generation did offer a full measure of devotion in the war, but we have been stuck in war mode ever since. Their entire view of the world was nothing but war and its devices. Furthermore, at the end of their time, they labored and brought forth Ronald Reagan and Reaganomics, the voo-doo economics which would do more damage than a bunch of terrorists could ever hope to do. The Boomers are men and women scarce half made up, having lost their souls by treasonous betrayal of their own vision in the 60's. I am opposed to any violent list of agenda. Beyond that, I am not saying I disagree with the radical agenda of the 60's, nor am I saying I disagree. But I am saying that anybody who betray their own vision is doomed to wander through an empty life. The Boomers are the Flying Dutchman and crew of this age, eternally looking to recapture that which they had thrown away, their own spiritual lives. ** Third, the article links Mr. Ayers to the Weather Underground, and this is a possibly damnable connection. However, there is no linking of Mr. Ayers to violence. If this linkage cannot be made, the first link was a sleazy insinuation. Of course, the Wall Street Journal is not above such things, particularly now in its latter day incarnation in the skin of old Murdoch. I personally would rather have children that are aware and refuse to let themselves be paraded into the abattoir of Wall Street or Iraq, or whatever is the despondent slough of choice in their day. The article says: Mr. Ayers is the founder of the "small schools" movement (heavily funded by CAC), in which individual schools built around specific political themes push students to "confront issues of inequity, war, and violence." He believes teacher education programs should serve as "sites of resistance" to an oppressive system. In my opinion, if we all had confronted inequity, war, and violence, we might not be in as deep a hole as we are today. ** Fourth, the article ends with a rhetorical device: As CAC chairman, Mr. Obama was lending moral and financial support to Mr. Ayers and his radical circle. That is a story even if Mr. Ayers had never planted a single bomb 40 years ago. The article starts with Weather Underground and ends with the word "bomb", wrapping Mr. Ayers in a cocoon of imaginary violent behavior. It is a sham and a charade. In fact, after the last 2 weeks, if Mr. Ayers were running for President, I believe I would vote for him!

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