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Friday, June 19, 2015

The Shatila And Sabra Of South Carolina

I found this very interesting.
Obama Uses SC Church Shooting To Call For More Gun Control
Whenever there is a mass shooting, like the one in South Carolina yesterday, it’s a guarantee that liberals will exploit the bodies of the dead to push their unconstitutional gun control agenda. Surprise surprise, President Obama jumped immediately on this to call for, as far as I can tell, a total ban on private gun ownership.

First, let’s understand the gun killer Dylan Roof used and how he got it. According to Roof’s uncle, Dylan was given a .45 caliber automatic handgun for his 21st birthday by his father. Roof was not a convicted felon, nor was he judged to be mentally incompetent. He was of age and not banned from gun ownership. The gun was purchased legally and transferred legally to him.

With that in mind, Obama said this, as reported by The Hill:

“Now is a time for mourning and for healing, but let’s be clear: at some point, we as a country we will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries,” Obama said.

Joined by Vice President Biden, Obama cited the Charleston shooting as another example of innocent people being killed “because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”
“It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency,” he said. “It is in our power to do something about it.”

Okay Mr. President, I’ll bite. What law would have stopped Dylan Roof from getting his hands on the gun he used to kill 9 people in Charleston? Until he pulled that trigger, he was a 21-year old man with no felony convictions and no mental health issues.

When Obama says this shooting shows that we need to do something to stop an incident like this from happening, what he’s really saying is he wants laws that prevent law-abiding adults of sound mind from purchasing and possessing firearms. There’s no other way to look at what the President said because the only law that would have stopped Roof from getting the gun he used would be one that bans legal gun ownership.

When Obama says this shooting shows that we need to do something to stop an incident like this from happening, what he’s really saying is he wants laws that prevent law-abiding adults of sound mind from purchasing and possessing firearms. There’s no other way to look at what the President said because the only law that would have stopped Roof from getting the gun he used would be one that bans legal gun ownership.

Don’t get me wrong. Roof is a complete piece of sh*t and I hope he gets the death penalty. I’m not trying to defend him, I’m just pointing out that lax gun laws didn’t put the .45 in his hands. He snapped and there’s no way you can predict that from happening. The only way you can legislate that from happening is to ban and confiscate all firearms.

In addition, it is illegal to murder people. It is illegal to fire at random worshipers in a church. If Roof was unwilling to abide by those laws, why does Obama, and all liberals, think that more laws would have stopped his rampage?

It should also be noted that the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, where the massacre took place, was a gun-free zone. It is illegal to carry a gun, concealed or open, in a church in South Carolina without explicit permission from the pastor. While libs look for connections between mass shootings in this country, they may want to notice how frequently they occur in places where there are lots of disarmed and defenseless victims.

No legislation could have stopped Dylan Roof from doing what he did. Well, that’s not entirely true. If people were allowed their 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, an armed member of the church could have stopped him or at least mitigated the devastation.

The point that is missed is that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. The author points out that mass shootings occur frequently in places where there are lots of disarmed and defenseless victims. Does that mean that he considers the USA to be on the same plane as the killing fields of Cambodia, the slaughter fields of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or the refugee camps of Shatila and Sabra?

Imagine:  all sorts of weaponry should be freely and openly carried  - just like the Weapons Shops of Isher by A. E. vanVogt  -  because our society is less secure than a refugee camp on the border of a battle zone.
If we agree with this premise, we condemn our society in all its aspects, not just the ones we are politically in love with, but everything. We consider our society to always be on the verge of chaos and incapable of providing the means for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

In short, we have a microcosm of the State of Constant War in the world: the state of constant warfare in our country's social structure.

And the Greek philosopher Heracleitos is correct that Strife and Eris is the father of all...

And maybe it's true...

And maybe Christianity and its Sermon on the Mount are just cotton candy for the wide-eyed simpletons we used to be...

The afflictions are real, and the most menacing are the spiritual ones we suffer from.


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