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Saturday, January 15, 2011


 Carter and Brezhnev

Someone is either insane, or they are not insane, right? We could not truthfully say that someone is both sane and insane, right?

Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD, was a nuclear strategy that deterred nuclear war based on the fact that each side would destroy the other. The usual suspects we have for leaders would say it was a "rational" strategy and it worked.

I say it is an island of Insanity within the universe of Rational Strategies.

I say that it is too early to assert that it worked, for as a  by-product it has led to an all too easy acceptance of too many nuclear weapons in too many hands, while it also led to wars to prevent nuclear weaponry where there was none: pure insanity.

The Joint Achievement of the USSR and the USA to prevent nuclear destruction was one of the greatest Moral Victories in the history of Mankind, even though no one celebrates it. Still the Victory is not yet complete. When it is complete, we shall see whether MAD was mad or not.

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