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Monday, January 10, 2011

Is Palin To Blame?

I personally blamed Palin months ago when that map with cross hairs targetting various districts appeared. I did not wait until this happened to blame Palin. Any fool who can live to be my age knows what happens when you do things like she did; it is only a question of how long it will take to come to fruition.
When Palin used shooting language  - like "reload" - in political talk, I blamed her then. I thought that the supposed distinction between shooting a bear and shooting an opponent may be lost on the more dim-witted of her listeners. As it turns out, it was.

I learned a long time ago that when you invoke Violence, no one is safe anymore, not even yourself.

Violence is a nasty Vampire that is in our house and killing people, but everyone says that it was not they who invited the vampire in!


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