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Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Ade Ileke 44: Nets_____شباك

شبكات العنكبوت
...وشباك الصيادين
شبكات العنكبوت
...وشباك الصيادين
ما عقدن الذهب
من هؤلاء، للفلاحين

spider's webs
and fishermen's nets...
spider's webs
and fishermen's nets...
do not hold the gold
of the poor peasants.

I suppose one could view this as profound or incredibly trite... it was running through my head, however.


E.P. Rush said...

Beware of things running through your head. أحييكم على قيادتك واضح من اللغة العربية. لا ننسى هذا واحد: ماري لديها حمل صغير، وكنا نأكل منه.

Montag said...

That was bizarre. Is it a religious reference? Is it some sort of joke on the meanings of حمل ? I can only imagine it being used in Egypt with all the Coptic Christians around.

It does have a possible comic side. All translations are prone to prat falls. A friend is going to China - today, actually - so I wanted to wish him a "Bum Voyageee !" - which is a sentiment used by Popeye the Sailor, if you recall.

I only knew the word used for "tramp", which was more like "hobo" than "bum". So going to a dictionary, I got a likely candidate.
It turns out the word was for "bum" as in one's backside...

The result was stunning and embarrassing when you put them together.

Montag said...

Ah, it was a joke on the meanings of حمل

Montag said...

I was not familiar with that use, having always used خروف

I am sort of embarrassed by
how I read that, even more about the Copts.

The comic side of translations.....