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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Blog is Golb Spelled Backwards

I read a number of blogs, ones I 've read for awhile and trying new ones. What a variety of people I see. Sometimes it can be unsettling, such as when old friends you've kept in view experience pain and suffering. Sometimes you may share their joy. Sometimes I feel as if I were playing God and looking down upon my creation and watching the myriad and varied lives being played out upon the Earth. I wish I could do a miracle or two to help mankind with their suffering. I wonder now whether God feels frustration and pain from just not being able to do enough? The concept of God as being all powerful leads us to expect Him to do things. The concept of God being all knowing leads us to believe He's aware of the most minute detail of our lives - in the same sense of knowledge that we know things. So it seems to us sometimes He's remote and we do not understand why good people suffer. The obstacles which cause our suffering are an integral part of life. A sheer cliff is an obstacle on a road if we are on walk about. However, perhaps we are not on walk about; perhaps we are confronting the cliff - the ribbon of road stretching behind us is merely an accident. Jesus suffered. God suffers. What is different is how They react to the pain. We react as humans. How They react is a mystery.

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