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Sunday, November 19, 2006


I have been reading some stuff about Eurabia. This is the notion of some dark, future dystopia where Muslims have become the majority in Europe. Back in the day we had the yellow peril. That seems to have disappeared into a more gentlemanly fear of China, Inc. The hordes of Asia have always instilled fear into certain intellectuals of Europe. It is probably some memory that stretches back to Genghis Khan. It dawns on me that I have a beard. I see many with beards. I heard from my daughter that a friend of hers is growing a beard. Pretty soon we will look like a bunch of mullahs sitting around a internet hookah. I do say things like, "God willing." Hmmm. I have dreamed about the nightmares of Marcus Aurelius. For many years, this philosopher emperor could not sleep through the night for fear of nocturnal images of slaves and Orientals and peoples from the Levant overwhelming the Roman Empire with their reies novae of outlandish Middle Eastern religious mumbo-jumbo. Christianity was the religion of the outcasts. They met in underground caverns for their services. Repressed into the darkness. They were metaphorically Monsters from the Id for old Marcus A. Same thing happened to the Krell on Altair IV. From the Id come forth Monsters or Saints. It is up to us to choose. Scary stuff.

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