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Sunday, May 08, 2011

Michigan Daffodils

Every state, city, town, or locality has it own special things and ways of doing things. In Michigan, we have a special weight distribution for trucks that, combined with a tardiness in repair, ensures that our roads will be a mess.

Pictured above is a "Michigan Special" truck configuration.

Yesterday we were walking through a mall parking lot. I told She-who-must-be-obeyed to take a sharp left right up by the big field of "Michigan Daffodils":

We really should spend more money in making the area look good.


Ruth said...

Don and I just had a convo in the car yesterday on our trip to Rochester for the mother's day gathering, about these 'Michigan daffodils.' He told me something I never knew, and what he tells his students, which is that if you pick them, and split their stems in four (or two) they curl up in the most perfect spirals. I haven't tried it yet.

Montag said...

Are you aware that your fav restaurant is closed for good?